/* ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ (function(m, h) { 'object' === typeof exports && 'undefined' !== typeof module ? h(exports) : 'function' === typeof define && define.amd ? define('rxjs', ['exports'], h) : h((m.rxjs = {})); })(this, function(m) { function h(b, a) { function c() { this.constructor = b; } vd(b, a); b.prototype = null === a ? Object.create(a) : ((c.prototype = a.prototype), new c()); } function T(b) { return 'function' === typeof b; } function U(b) { setTimeout(function() { throw b; }, 0); } function za(b) { return null !== b && 'object' === typeof b; } function Wa(b) { return b.reduce(function(a, c) { return a.concat(c instanceof fa ? c.errors : c); }, []); } function Aa(b) { for (; b; ) { var a = b.destination, c = b.isStopped; if (b.closed || c) return !1; b = a && a instanceof l ? a : null; } return !0; } function N(b) { return b; } function Ba() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return Xa(b); } function Xa(b) { return 0 === b.length ? N : 1 === b.length ? b[0] : function(a) { return b.reduce(function(c, a) { return a(c); }, a); }; } function Ya(b) { b || (b = E.Promise || Promise); if (!b) throw Error('no Promise impl found'); return b; } function Ca() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new wd(b)); }; } function Za(b, a, c, d) { return function(e) { return e.lift(new xd(b, a, c, d)); }; } function V(b) { return b ? yd(b) : ga; } function yd(b) { return new g(function(a) { return b.schedule(function() { return a.complete(); }); }); } function y(b) { return b && 'function' === typeof b.schedule; } function Da(b, a) { return new g(function(c) { var d = new p(), e = 0; d.add( a.schedule(function() { e === b.length ? c.complete() : (c.next(b[e++]), c.closed || d.add(this.schedule())); }), ); return d; }); } function ha(b, a) { return a ? Da(b, a) : new g($a(b)); } function ia() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; a = b[b.length - 1]; return y(a) ? (b.pop(), Da(b, a)) : ha(b); } function pa(b, a) { return a ? new g(function(c) { return a.schedule(zd, 0, { error: b, subscriber: c }); }) : new g(function(c) { return c.error(b); }); } function zd(b) { b.subscriber.error(b.error); } function ab(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); return function(c) { return c.lift(new Ad(b, a)); }; } function bb(b) { return b in Ea ? (delete Ea[b], !0) : !1; } function H() {} function A(b, a) { return function(c) { if ('function' !== typeof b) throw new TypeError( 'argument is not a function. Are you looking for `mapTo()`?', ); return c.lift(new Bd(b, a)); }; } function cb(b, a, c) { if (a) if (y(a)) c = a; else return function() { for (var d = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) d[e] = arguments[e]; return cb(b, c) .apply(void 0, d) .pipe( A(function(c) { return z(c) ? a.apply(void 0, c) : a(c); }), ); }; return function() { for (var a = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) a[e] = arguments[e]; var f = this, k, v = { context: f, subject: k, callbackFunc: b, scheduler: c }; return new g(function(d) { if (c) return c.schedule(Cd, 0, { args: a, subscriber: d, params: v }); if (!k) { k = new W(); try { b.apply( f, a.concat([ function() { for (var c = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) c[a] = arguments[a]; k.next(1 >= c.length ? c[0] : c); k.complete(); }, ]), ); } catch (O) { Aa(k) ? k.error(O) : console.warn(O); } } return k.subscribe(d); }); }; } function Cd(b) { var a = this, c = b.args, d = b.subscriber; b = b.params; var e = b.callbackFunc, f = b.context, k = b.scheduler, g = b.subject; if (!g) { g = b.subject = new W(); try { e.apply( f, c.concat([ function() { for (var c = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) c[b] = arguments[b]; a.add( k.schedule(Dd, 0, { value: 1 >= c.length ? c[0] : c, subject: g, }), ); }, ]), ); } catch (n) { g.error(n); } } this.add(g.subscribe(d)); } function Dd(b) { var a = b.subject; a.next(b.value); a.complete(); } function db(b, a, c) { if (a) if (y(a)) c = a; else return function() { for (var d = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) d[e] = arguments[e]; return db(b, c) .apply(void 0, d) .pipe( A(function(c) { return z(c) ? a.apply(void 0, c) : a(c); }), ); }; return function() { for (var a = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) a[e] = arguments[e]; var f = { subject: void 0, args: a, callbackFunc: b, scheduler: c, context: this, }; return new g(function(d) { var e = f.context, k = f.subject; if (c) return c.schedule(Ed, 0, { params: f, subscriber: d, context: e }); if (!k) { k = f.subject = new W(); try { b.apply( e, a.concat([ function() { for (var c = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) c[a] = arguments[a]; (a = c.shift()) ? k.error(a) : (k.next(1 >= c.length ? c[0] : c), k.complete()); }, ]), ); } catch (O) { Aa(k) ? k.error(O) : console.warn(O); } } return k.subscribe(d); }); }; } function Ed(b) { var a = this, c = b.params, d = b.subscriber; b = b.context; var e = c.callbackFunc, f = c.args, k = c.scheduler, g = c.subject; if (!g) { g = c.subject = new W(); try { e.apply( b, f.concat([ function() { for (var c = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) c[b] = arguments[b]; (b = c.shift()) ? a.add(k.schedule(eb, 0, { err: b, subject: g })) : a.add( k.schedule(Fd, 0, { value: 1 >= c.length ? c[0] : c, subject: g, }), ); }, ]), ); } catch (n) { this.add(k.schedule(eb, 0, { err: n, subject: g })); } } this.add(g.subscribe(d)); } function Fd(b) { var a = b.subject; a.next(b.value); a.complete(); } function eb(b) { b.subject.error(b.err); } function fb(b) { return ( !!b && 'function' !== typeof b.subscribe && 'function' === typeof b.then ); } function I(b, a, c, d, e) { void 0 === e && (e = new Gd(b, c, d)); if (!e.closed) return a instanceof g ? a.subscribe(e) : Fa(a)(e); } function Hd(b, a) { return new g(function(c) { var d = new p(); d.add( a.schedule(function() { var e = b[X](); d.add( e.subscribe({ next: function(b) { d.add( a.schedule(function() { return c.next(b); }), ); }, error: function(b) { d.add( a.schedule(function() { return c.error(b); }), ); }, complete: function() { d.add( a.schedule(function() { return c.complete(); }), ); }, }), ); }), ); return d; }); } function Id(b, a) { return new g(function(c) { var d = new p(); d.add( a.schedule(function() { return b.then( function(b) { d.add( a.schedule(function() { c.next(b); d.add( a.schedule(function() { return c.complete(); }), ); }), ); }, function(b) { d.add( a.schedule(function() { return c.error(b); }), ); }, ); }), ); return d; }); } function Jd(b, a) { if (!b) throw Error('Iterable cannot be null'); return new g(function(c) { var d = new p(), e; d.add(function() { e && 'function' === typeof e.return && e.return(); }); d.add( a.schedule(function() { e = b[F](); d.add( a.schedule(function() { if (!c.closed) { var a, b; try { var d = e.next(); a = d.value; b = d.done; } catch (n) { c.error(n); return; } b ? c.complete() : (c.next(a), this.schedule()); } }), ); }), ); return d; }); } function Kd(b, a) { if (null != b) { if (b && 'function' === typeof b[X]) return Hd(b, a); if (fb(b)) return Id(b, a); if (gb(b)) return Da(b, a); if ((b && 'function' === typeof b[F]) || 'string' === typeof b) return Jd(b, a); } throw new TypeError(((null !== b && typeof b) || b) + ' is not observable'); } function G(b, a) { return a ? Kd(b, a) : b instanceof g ? b : new g(Fa(b)); } function u(b, a) { if (!a.closed) return b instanceof g ? b.subscribe(a) : Fa(b)(a); } function J(b, a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); if ('function' === typeof a) return function(d) { return d.pipe( J(function(c, d) { return G(b(c, d)).pipe( A(function(b, e) { return a(c, b, d, e); }), ); }, c), ); }; 'number' === typeof a && (c = a); return function(a) { return a.lift(new Ld(b, c)); }; } function qa(b) { void 0 === b && (b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return J(N, b); } function Ga() { return qa(1); } function Y() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return Ga()(ia.apply(void 0, b)); } function Ha(b) { return new g(function(a) { var c; try { c = b(); } catch (d) { a.error(d); return; } return (c ? G(c) : V()).subscribe(a); }); } function ra(b, a) { return new g(function(c) { var d = b.length; if (0 === d) c.complete(); else for ( var e = Array(d), f = 0, k = 0, g = function(g) { var v = G(b[g]), h = !1; c.add( v.subscribe({ next: function(c) { h || ((h = !0), k++); e[g] = c; }, error: function(a) { return c.error(a); }, complete: function() { f++; (f !== d && h) || (k === d && c.next( a ? a.reduce(function(c, a, b) { return (c[a] = e[b]), c; }, {}) : e, ), c.complete()); }, }), ); }, h = 0; h < d; h++ ) g(h); }); } function hb(b, a, c, d) { T(c) && ((d = c), (c = void 0)); return d ? hb(b, a, c).pipe( A(function(c) { return z(c) ? d.apply(void 0, c) : d(c); }), ) : new g(function(d) { ib( b, a, function(c) { 1 < arguments.length ? d.next(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)) : d.next(c); }, d, c, ); }); } function ib(b, a, c, d, e) { var f; if ( b && 'function' === typeof b.addEventListener && 'function' === typeof b.removeEventListener ) b.addEventListener(a, c, e), (f = function() { return b.removeEventListener(a, c, e); }); else if (b && 'function' === typeof b.on && 'function' === typeof b.off) b.on(a, c), (f = function() { return b.off(a, c); }); else if ( b && 'function' === typeof b.addListener && 'function' === typeof b.removeListener ) b.addListener(a, c), (f = function() { return b.removeListener(a, c); }); else if (b && b.length) for (var k = 0, g = b.length; k < g; k++) ib(b[k], a, c, d, e); else throw new TypeError('Invalid event target'); d.add(f); } function jb(b, a, c) { return c ? jb(b, a).pipe( A(function(a) { return z(a) ? c.apply(void 0, a) : c(a); }), ) : new g(function(c) { var d = function() { for (var a = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) a[b] = arguments[b]; return c.next(1 === a.length ? a[0] : a); }, f; try { f = b(d); } catch (k) { c.error(k); return; } if (T(a)) return function() { return a(d, f); }; }); } function Pd(b) { var a = b.subscriber, c = b.condition; if (!a.closed) { if (b.needIterate) try { b.state = b.iterate(b.state); } catch (f) { a.error(f); return; } else b.needIterate = !0; if (c) { var d = void 0; try { d = c(b.state); } catch (f) { a.error(f); return; } if (!d) { a.complete(); return; } if (a.closed) return; } var e; try { e = b.resultSelector(b.state); } catch (f) { a.error(f); return; } if (!a.closed && (a.next(e), !a.closed)) return this.schedule(b); } } function K(b) { return !z(b) && 0 <= b - parseFloat(b) + 1; } function Qd(b) { var a = b.subscriber, c = b.counter; b = b.period; a.next(c); this.schedule({ subscriber: a, counter: c + 1, period: b }, b); } function Ia() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; var a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c = null, d = b[b.length - 1]; y(d) ? ((c = b.pop()), 1 < b.length && 'number' === typeof b[b.length - 1] && (a = b.pop())) : 'number' === typeof d && (a = b.pop()); return null === c && 1 === b.length && b[0] instanceof g ? b[0] : qa(a)(ha(b, c)); } function Ja() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; if (0 === b.length) return ga; var c = b[0], d = b.slice(1); return 1 === b.length && z(c) ? Ja.apply(void 0, c) : new g(function(a) { var b = function() { return a.add(Ja.apply(void 0, d).subscribe(a)); }; return G(c).subscribe({ next: function(c) { a.next(c); }, error: b, complete: b, }); }); } function Rd(b) { var a = b.keys, c = b.index, d = b.subscriber, e = b.subscription; b = b.obj; if (!d.closed) if (c < a.length) { var f = a[c]; d.next([f, b[f]]); e.add( this.schedule({ keys: a, index: c + 1, subscriber: d, subscription: e, obj: b, }), ); } else d.complete(); } function Sd(b, a) { function c() { return !c.pred.apply(c.thisArg, arguments); } c.pred = b; c.thisArg = a; return c; } function P(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new Td(b, a)); }; } function kb() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; if (1 === b.length) if (z(b[0])) b = b[0]; else return b[0]; return ha(b, void 0).lift(new Ud()); } function Vd(b) { var a = b.start, c = b.index, d = b.subscriber; c >= b.count ? d.complete() : (d.next(a), d.closed || ((b.index = c + 1), (b.start = a + 1), this.schedule(b))); } function lb(b, a, c) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); var d = -1; K(a) ? (d = (1 > Number(a) && 1) || Number(a)) : y(a) && (c = a); y(c) || (c = B); return new g(function(a) { var e = K(b) ? b : +b - c.now(); return c.schedule(Wd, e, { index: 0, period: d, subscriber: a }); }); } function Wd(b) { var a = b.index, c = b.period, d = b.subscriber; d.next(a); if (!d.closed) { if (-1 === c) return d.complete(); b.index = a + 1; this.schedule(b, c); } } function Ka() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; a = b[b.length - 1]; 'function' === typeof a && b.pop(); return ha(b, void 0).lift(new mb(a)); } function Xd(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = null); return new Q({ method: 'GET', url: b, headers: a }); } function Yd(b, a, c) { return new Q({ method: 'POST', url: b, body: a, headers: c }); } function Zd(b, a) { return new Q({ method: 'DELETE', url: b, headers: a }); } function $d(b, a, c) { return new Q({ method: 'PUT', url: b, body: a, headers: c }); } function ae(b, a, c) { return new Q({ method: 'PATCH', url: b, body: a, headers: c }); } function be(b, a) { return ce( new Q({ method: 'GET', url: b, responseType: 'json', headers: a }), ); } function nb(b, a) { switch (b) { case 'json': return ( (b = 'response' in a ? a.responseType ? a.response : JSON.parse(a.response || a.responseText || 'null') : JSON.parse(a.responseText || 'null')), b ); case 'xml': return a.responseXML; default: return 'response' in a ? a.response : a.responseText; } } function ob(b) { return new pb(b); } function qb(b) { void 0 === b && (b = B); return A(function(a) { return new rb(a, b.now()); }); } function Z(b, a) { var c = !1; 2 <= arguments.length && (c = !0); return function(d) { return d.lift(new de(b, a, c)); }; } function sb(b) { void 0 === b && (b = B); return function(a) { return Ha(function() { return a.pipe( Z( function(c, a) { c = c.current; return { value: a, current: b.now(), last: c }; }, { current: b.now(), value: void 0, last: void 0 }, ), A(function(c) { return new tb(c.value, c.current - c.last); }), ); }); }; } function ub(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = sa); return function(c) { return c.lift(new ee(b, !!a.leading, !!a.trailing)); }; } function vb(b, a) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) for ( var e = a[c], f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e.prototype), k = 0, g = f.length; k < g; k++ ) { var h = f[k]; b.prototype[h] = e.prototype[h]; } } function La(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new fe(b)); }; } function wb(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = B); return La(function() { return lb(b, a); }); } function xb(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new ge(b)); }; } function yb(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = null); return function(c) { return c.lift(new he(b, a)); }; } function zb(b) { var a = arguments.length, c = B; y(arguments[arguments.length - 1]) && ((c = arguments[arguments.length - 1]), a--); var d = null; 2 <= a && (d = arguments[1]); var e = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 3 <= a && (e = arguments[2]); return function(a) { return a.lift(new ie(b, d, e, c)); }; } function Ab(b) { var a = b.subscriber, c = b.context; c && a.closeContext(c); a.closed || ((b.context = a.openContext()), (b.context.closeAction = this.schedule(b, b.bufferTimeSpan))); } function je(b) { var a = b.bufferCreationInterval, c = b.bufferTimeSpan, d = b.subscriber, e = b.scheduler, f = d.openContext(); d.closed || (d.add( (f.closeAction = e.schedule(Bb, c, { subscriber: d, context: f })), ), this.schedule(b, a)); } function Bb(b) { b.subscriber.closeContext(b.context); } function Cb(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new ke(b, a)); }; } function Db(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new le(b)); }; } function Eb(b) { return function(a) { var c = new me(b); a = a.lift(c); return (c.caught = a); }; } function Fb(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new ta(b)); }; } function Ma(b, a) { return J(b, a, 1); } function Gb(b, a) { return Ma(function() { return b; }, a); } function Hb(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new ne(b, a)); }; } function Ib(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new oe(b)); }; } function Jb(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = B); return function(c) { return c.lift(new pe(b, a)); }; } function qe(b) { b.debouncedNext(); } function aa(b) { void 0 === b && (b = null); return function(a) { return a.lift(new re(b)); }; } function Kb(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = B); var c = b instanceof Date && !isNaN(+b) ? +b - a.now() : Math.abs(b); return function(b) { return b.lift(new se(c, a)); }; } function Lb(b, a) { return a ? function(c) { return new te(c, a).lift(new Mb(b)); } : function(c) { return c.lift(new Mb(b)); }; } function Nb() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new ue()); }; } function Ob(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new ve(b, a)); }; } function Na(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new we(b, a)); }; } function Pb(b, a) { return Na(function(c, d) { return a ? a(c[b], d[b]) : c[b] === d[b]; }); } function ua(b) { void 0 === b && (b = xe); return function(a) { return a.lift(new ye(b)); }; } function xe() { return new ja(); } function va(b) { return function(a) { return 0 === b ? V() : a.lift(new ze(b)); }; } function Qb(b, a) { if (0 > b) throw new ba(); var c = 2 <= arguments.length; return function(d) { return d.pipe( P(function(c, a) { return a === b; }), va(1), c ? aa(a) : ua(function() { return new ba(); }), ); }; } function Rb(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new Ae(b, a, c)); }; } function Sb() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new Be()); }; } function Oa(b, a) { return a ? function(c) { return c.pipe( Oa(function(c, e) { return G(b(c, e)).pipe( A(function(b, d) { return a(c, b, e, d); }), ); }), ); } : function(c) { return c.lift(new Ce(b)); }; } function Tb(b, a, c) { void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); a = 1 > (a || 0) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : a; return function(d) { return d.lift(new De(b, a, c)); }; } function Ub(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new Ee(b)); }; } function Vb(b, a) { if ('function' !== typeof b) throw new TypeError('predicate is not a function'); return function(c) { return c.lift(new Wb(b, c, !1, a)); }; } function Xb(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new Wb(b, c, !0, a)); }; } function Yb(b, a) { var c = 2 <= arguments.length; return function(d) { return d.pipe( b ? P(function(c, a) { return b(c, a, d); }) : N, va(1), c ? aa(a) : ua(function() { return new ja(); }), ); }; } function Zb() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new Fe()); }; } function $b() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new Ge()); }; } function ka(b) { return function(a) { return 0 === b ? V() : a.lift(new He(b)); }; } function ac(b, a) { var c = 2 <= arguments.length; return function(d) { return d.pipe( b ? P(function(c, a) { return b(c, a, d); }) : N, ka(1), c ? aa(a) : ua(function() { return new ja(); }), ); }; } function bc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new Ie(b)); }; } function cc() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new Je()); }; } function ca(b, a) { return 2 <= arguments.length ? function(c) { return Ba(Z(b, a), ka(1), aa(a))(c); } : function(c) { return Ba( Z(function(c, a, f) { return b(c, a, f + 1); }), ka(1), )(c); }; } function dc(b) { return ca( 'function' === typeof b ? function(a, c) { return 0 < b(a, c) ? a : c; } : function(a, c) { return a > c ? a : c; }, ); } function ec(b, a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); if ('function' === typeof a) return J( function() { return b; }, a, c, ); 'number' === typeof a && (c = a); return J(function() { return b; }, c); } function fc(b, a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return function(d) { return d.lift(new Ke(b, a, c)); }; } function gc(b) { return ca( 'function' === typeof b ? function(a, c) { return 0 > b(a, c) ? a : c; } : function(a, c) { return a < c ? a : c; }, ); } function L(b, a) { return function(c) { var d; d = 'function' === typeof b ? b : function() { return b; }; if ('function' === typeof a) return c.lift(new Le(d, a)); var e = Object.create(c, Me); e.source = c; e.subjectFactory = d; return e; }; } function hc() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; 1 === b.length && z(b[0]) && (b = b[0]); return function(c) { return c.lift(new Ne(b)); }; } function ic() { return function(b) { return b.lift(new Oe()); }; } function jc(b, a) { return function(c) { return [P(b, a)(c), P(Sd(b, a))(c)]; }; } function kc() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; var c = b.length; if (0 === c) throw Error('list of properties cannot be empty.'); return function(a) { return A(Pe(b, c))(a); }; } function Pe(b, a) { return function(c) { var d = c; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) if (((d = null != d ? d[b[c]] : void 0), void 0 === d)) return; return d; }; } function lc(b) { return b ? L(function() { return new w(); }, b) : L(new w()); } function mc(b) { return function(a) { return L(new nc(b))(a); }; } function oc() { return function(b) { return L(new W())(b); }; } function pc(b, a, c, d) { c && 'function' !== typeof c && (d = c); var e = 'function' === typeof c ? c : void 0, f = new da(b, a, d); return function(c) { return L(function() { return f; }, e)(c); }; } function qc() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return function(c) { 1 === b.length && z(b[0]) && (b = b[0]); return c.lift.call(kb.apply(void 0, [c].concat(b))); }; } function rc(b) { void 0 === b && (b = -1); return function(a) { return 0 === b ? V() : 0 > b ? a.lift(new sc(-1, a)) : a.lift(new sc(b - 1, a)); }; } function tc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new Qe(b)); }; } function uc(b) { void 0 === b && (b = -1); return function(a) { return a.lift(new Re(b, a)); }; } function vc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new Se(b, a)); }; } function wc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new Te(b)); }; } function xc(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = B); return function(c) { return c.lift(new Ue(b, a)); }; } function Ve(b) { var a = b.period; b.subscriber.notifyNext(); this.schedule(b, a); } function yc(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new We(b, a)); }; } function Xe() { return new w(); } function zc() { return function(b) { return Ca()(L(Xe)(b)); }; } function Pa(b, a, c) { var d; d = b && 'object' === typeof b ? b : { bufferSize: b, windowTime: a, refCount: !1, scheduler: c }; return function(c) { return c.lift(Ye(d)); }; } function Ye(b) { var a = b.bufferSize, c = void 0 === a ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : a, a = b.windowTime, d = void 0 === a ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : a, e = b.refCount, f = b.scheduler, k, g = 0, h, l = !1, q = !1; return function(a) { g++; var b; !k || l ? ((l = !1), (k = new da(c, d, f)), (b = k.subscribe(this)), (h = a.subscribe({ next: function(c) { k.next(c); }, error: function(c) { l = !0; k.error(c); }, complete: function() { q = !0; h = void 0; k.complete(); }, }))) : (b = k.subscribe(this)); this.add(function() { g--; b.unsubscribe(); h && !q && e && 0 === g && (h.unsubscribe(), (k = h = void 0)); }); }; } function Ac(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new Ze(b, a)); }; } function Bc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new $e(b)); }; } function Cc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new af(b)); }; } function Dc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new bf(b)); }; } function Ec(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new cf(b)); }; } function Fc() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; var c = b[b.length - 1]; return y(c) ? (b.pop(), function(a) { return Y(b, a, c); }) : function(c) { return Y(b, c); }; } function Gc(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); return function(c) { return c.lift(new df(b, a)); }; } function ea(b, a) { return 'function' === typeof a ? function(c) { return c.pipe( ea(function(c, e) { return G(b(c, e)).pipe( A(function(b, d) { return a(c, b, e, d); }), ); }), ); } : function(c) { return c.lift(new ef(b)); }; } function Hc() { return ea(N); } function Ic(b, a) { return a ? ea(function() { return b; }, a) : ea(function() { return b; }); } function Jc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new ff(b)); }; } function Kc(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = !1); return function(c) { return c.lift(new gf(b, a)); }; } function Lc(b, a, c) { return function(d) { return d.lift(new hf(b, a, c)); }; } function Mc(b, a, c) { void 0 === a && (a = B); void 0 === c && (c = sa); return function(d) { return d.lift(new jf(b, a, c.leading, c.trailing)); }; } function kf(b) { b.subscriber.clearThrottle(); } function Qa(b, a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = B); return function(d) { var e = b instanceof Date && !isNaN(+b), f = e ? +b - c.now() : Math.abs(b); return d.lift(new lf(f, e, a, c)); }; } function Nc(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = B); return Qa(b, pa(new Oc()), a); } function mf(b, a, c) { if (0 === c) return [a]; b.push(a); return b; } function Pc() { return ca(mf, []); } function Qc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new nf(b)); }; } function Rc(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); return function(c) { return c.lift(new of(b, a)); }; } function Sc(b, a, c, d) { var e = B, f = null, k = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; y(d) && (e = d); y(c) ? (e = c) : K(c) && (k = Number(c)); y(a) ? (e = a) : K(a) && (f = Number(a)); return function(c) { return c.lift(new pf(b, f, k, e)); }; } function qf(b) { var a = b.subscriber, c = b.windowTimeSpan, d = b.window; d && a.closeWindow(d); b.window = a.openWindow(); this.schedule(b, c); } function rf(b) { var a = b.windowTimeSpan, c = b.subscriber, d = b.scheduler, e = b.windowCreationInterval, f = c.openWindow(), k = { action: this, subscription: null }; k.subscription = d.schedule(Tc, a, { subscriber: c, window: f, context: k, }); this.add(k.subscription); this.schedule(b, e); } function Tc(b) { var a = b.subscriber, c = b.window; (b = b.context) && b.action && b.subscription && b.action.remove(b.subscription); a.closeWindow(c); } function Uc(b, a) { return function(c) { return c.lift(new sf(b, a)); }; } function Vc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new tf(b)); }; } function Wc() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return function(c) { var a; 'function' === typeof b[b.length - 1] && (a = b.pop()); return c.lift(new uf(b, a)); }; } function Xc(b) { return function(a) { return a.lift(new mb(b)); }; } function Yc(b) { return Eb(b)(this); } function Zc(b, a, c) { return Lc(b, a, c)(this); } function $c(b) { return Ub(b)(this); } function ad(b) { return b(this); } function bd(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return J(b, a)(this); } function cd(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return ec(b, a)(this); } function dd() { return Hc()(this); } var vd = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(b, a) { b.__proto__ = a; }) || function(b, a) { for (var c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] = a[c]); }, vf = Object.assign || function(b) { for (var a, c = 1, d = arguments.length; c < d; c++) { a = arguments[c]; for (var e in a) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, e) && (b[e] = a[e]); } return b; }, Ra = !1, E = { Promise: void 0, set useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling(b) { b ? console.warn( 'DEPRECATED! RxJS was set to use deprecated synchronous error handling behavior by code at: \n' + Error().stack, ) : Ra && console.log( 'RxJS: Back to a better error behavior. Thank you. \x3c3', ); Ra = b; }, get useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling() { return Ra; }, }, wa = { closed: !0, next: function(b) {}, error: function(b) { if (E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) throw b; U(b); }, complete: function() {}, }, z = (function() { return ( Array.isArray || function(b) { return b && 'number' === typeof b.length; } ); })(), fa = (function() { function b(a) { Error.call(this); this.message = a ? a.length + ' errors occurred during unsubscription:\n' + a .map(function(c, a) { return a + 1 + ') ' + c.toString(); }) .join('\n ') : ''; this.name = 'UnsubscriptionError'; this.errors = a; return this; } b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return b; })(), p = (function() { function b(a) { this.closed = !1; this._subscriptions = this._parentOrParents = null; a && ((this._ctorUnsubscribe = !0), (this._unsubscribe = a)); } b.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { var a; if (!this.closed) { var c = this._parentOrParents, d = this._ctorUnsubscribe, e = this._unsubscribe, f = this._subscriptions; this.closed = !0; this._subscriptions = this._parentOrParents = null; if (c instanceof b) c.remove(this); else if (null !== c) for (var k = 0; k < c.length; ++k) c[k].remove(this); if (T(e)) { d && (this._unsubscribe = void 0); try { e.call(this); } catch (v) { a = v instanceof fa ? Wa(v.errors) : [v]; } } if (z(f)) for (k = -1, c = f.length; ++k < c; ) if (((d = f[k]), za(d))) try { d.unsubscribe(); } catch (v) { (a = a || []), v instanceof fa ? (a = a.concat(Wa(v.errors))) : a.push(v); } if (a) throw new fa(a); } }; b.prototype.add = function(a) { var c = a; if (!a) return b.EMPTY; switch (typeof a) { case 'function': c = new b(a); case 'object': if (c === this || c.closed || 'function' !== typeof c.unsubscribe) return c; if (this.closed) return c.unsubscribe(), c; c instanceof b || ((a = c), (c = new b()), (c._subscriptions = [a])); break; default: throw Error( 'unrecognized teardown ' + a + ' added to Subscription.', ); } a = c._parentOrParents; if (null === a) c._parentOrParents = this; else if (a instanceof b) { if (a === this) return c; c._parentOrParents = [a, this]; } else if (-1 === a.indexOf(this)) a.push(this); else return c; a = this._subscriptions; null === a ? (this._subscriptions = [c]) : a.push(c); return c; }; b.prototype.remove = function(a) { var c = this._subscriptions; c && ((a = c.indexOf(a)), -1 !== a && c.splice(a, 1)); }; b.EMPTY = (function(a) { a.closed = !0; return a; })(new b()); return b; })(), la = 'function' === typeof Symbol ? Symbol('rxSubscriber') : '@@rxSubscriber_' + Math.random(), l = (function(b) { function a(c, d, e) { var f = b.call(this) || this; f.syncErrorValue = null; f.syncErrorThrown = !1; f.syncErrorThrowable = !1; f.isStopped = !1; switch (arguments.length) { case 0: f.destination = wa; break; case 1: if (!c) { f.destination = wa; break; } if ('object' === typeof c) { c instanceof a ? ((f.syncErrorThrowable = c.syncErrorThrowable), (f.destination = c), c.add(f)) : ((f.syncErrorThrowable = !0), (f.destination = new ed(f, c))); break; } default: (f.syncErrorThrowable = !0), (f.destination = new ed(f, c, d, e)); } return f; } h(a, b); a.prototype[la] = function() { return this; }; a.create = function(c, b, e) { c = new a(c, b, e); c.syncErrorThrowable = !1; return c; }; a.prototype.next = function(c) { this.isStopped || this._next(c); }; a.prototype.error = function(c) { this.isStopped || ((this.isStopped = !0), this._error(c)); }; a.prototype.complete = function() { this.isStopped || ((this.isStopped = !0), this._complete()); }; a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { this.closed || ((this.isStopped = !0), b.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this)); }; a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.destination.next(c); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { this.destination.error(c); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._unsubscribeAndRecycle = function() { var c = this._parentOrParents; this._parentOrParents = null; this.unsubscribe(); this.isStopped = this.closed = !1; this._parentOrParents = c; return this; }; return a; })(p), ed = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e, f) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d._parentSubscriber = c; var g; c = d; T(a) ? (g = a) : a && ((g = a.next), (e = a.error), (f = a.complete), a !== wa && ((c = Object.create(a)), T(c.unsubscribe) && d.add(c.unsubscribe.bind(c)), (c.unsubscribe = d.unsubscribe.bind(d)))); d._context = c; d._next = g; d._error = e; d._complete = f; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.next = function(c) { if (!this.isStopped && this._next) { var a = this._parentSubscriber; E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && a.syncErrorThrowable ? this.__tryOrSetError(a, this._next, c) && this.unsubscribe() : this.__tryOrUnsub(this._next, c); } }; a.prototype.error = function(c) { if (!this.isStopped) { var a = this._parentSubscriber, b = E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling; if (this._error) b && a.syncErrorThrowable ? this.__tryOrSetError(a, this._error, c) : this.__tryOrUnsub(this._error, c), this.unsubscribe(); else if (a.syncErrorThrowable) b ? ((a.syncErrorValue = c), (a.syncErrorThrown = !0)) : U(c), this.unsubscribe(); else { this.unsubscribe(); if (b) throw c; U(c); } } }; a.prototype.complete = function() { var c = this; if (!this.isStopped) { var a = this._parentSubscriber; if (this._complete) { var b = function() { return c._complete.call(c._context); }; E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && a.syncErrorThrowable ? this.__tryOrSetError(a, b) : this.__tryOrUnsub(b); } this.unsubscribe(); } }; a.prototype.__tryOrUnsub = function(c, a) { try { c.call(this._context, a); } catch (e) { this.unsubscribe(); if (E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) throw e; U(e); } }; a.prototype.__tryOrSetError = function(c, a, b) { if (!E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) throw Error('bad call'); try { a.call(this._context, b); } catch (f) { return ( E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling ? ((c.syncErrorValue = f), (c.syncErrorThrown = !0)) : U(f), !0 ); } return !1; }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var c = this._parentSubscriber; this._parentSubscriber = this._context = null; c.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l), X = ('function' === typeof Symbol && Symbol.observable) || '@@observable', g = (function() { function b(a) { this._isScalar = !1; a && (this._subscribe = a); } b.prototype.lift = function(a) { var c = new b(); c.source = this; c.operator = a; return c; }; b.prototype.subscribe = function(a, c, b) { var d = this.operator; a: { if (a) { if (a instanceof l) break a; if (a[la]) { a = a[la](); break a; } } a = a || c || b ? new l(a, c, b) : new l(wa); } d ? a.add(d.call(a, this.source)) : a.add( this.source || (E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && !a.syncErrorThrowable) ? this._subscribe(a) : this._trySubscribe(a), ); if ( E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && a.syncErrorThrowable && ((a.syncErrorThrowable = !1), a.syncErrorThrown) ) throw a.syncErrorValue; return a; }; b.prototype._trySubscribe = function(a) { try { return this._subscribe(a); } catch (c) { E.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && ((a.syncErrorThrown = !0), (a.syncErrorValue = c)), Aa(a) ? a.error(c) : console.warn(c); } }; b.prototype.forEach = function(a, c) { var b = this; c = Ya(c); return new c(function(c, d) { var e; e = b.subscribe( function(c) { try { a(c); } catch (n) { d(n), e && e.unsubscribe(); } }, d, c, ); }); }; b.prototype._subscribe = function(a) { var c = this.source; return c && c.subscribe(a); }; b.prototype[X] = function() { return this; }; b.prototype.pipe = function() { for (var a = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) a[c] = arguments[c]; return 0 === a.length ? this : Xa(a)(this); }; b.prototype.toPromise = function(a) { var c = this; a = Ya(a); return new a(function(a, b) { var d; c.subscribe( function(c) { return (d = c); }, function(c) { return b(c); }, function() { return a(d); }, ); }); }; b.create = function(a) { return new b(a); }; return b; })(), M = (function() { function b() { Error.call(this); this.message = 'object unsubscribed'; this.name = 'ObjectUnsubscribedError'; return this; } b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return b; })(), fd = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d.subject = c; d.subscriber = a; d.closed = !1; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { if (!this.closed) { this.closed = !0; var c = this.subject, a = c.observers; this.subject = null; !a || 0 === a.length || c.isStopped || c.closed || ((c = a.indexOf(this.subscriber)), -1 !== c && a.splice(c, 1)); } }; return a; })(p), gd = (function(b) { function a(c) { var a = b.call(this, c) || this; a.destination = c; return a; } h(a, b); return a; })(l), w = (function(b) { function a() { var c = b.call(this) || this; c.observers = []; c.closed = !1; c.isStopped = !1; c.hasError = !1; c.thrownError = null; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype[la] = function() { return new gd(this); }; a.prototype.lift = function(c) { var a = new xa(this, this); a.operator = c; return a; }; a.prototype.next = function(c) { if (this.closed) throw new M(); if (!this.isStopped) for ( var a = this.observers, b = a.length, a = a.slice(), f = 0; f < b; f++ ) a[f].next(c); }; a.prototype.error = function(c) { if (this.closed) throw new M(); this.hasError = !0; this.thrownError = c; this.isStopped = !0; for ( var a = this.observers, b = a.length, a = a.slice(), f = 0; f < b; f++ ) a[f].error(c); this.observers.length = 0; }; a.prototype.complete = function() { if (this.closed) throw new M(); this.isStopped = !0; for ( var c = this.observers, a = c.length, c = c.slice(), b = 0; b < a; b++ ) c[b].complete(); this.observers.length = 0; }; a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { this.closed = this.isStopped = !0; this.observers = null; }; a.prototype._trySubscribe = function(c) { if (this.closed) throw new M(); return b.prototype._trySubscribe.call(this, c); }; a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { if (this.closed) throw new M(); if (this.hasError) return c.error(this.thrownError), p.EMPTY; if (this.isStopped) return c.complete(), p.EMPTY; this.observers.push(c); return new fd(this, c); }; a.prototype.asObservable = function() { var c = new g(); c.source = this; return c; }; a.create = function(c, a) { return new xa(c, a); }; return a; })(g), xa = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d.destination = c; d.source = a; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.next = function(c) { var a = this.destination; a && a.next && a.next(c); }; a.prototype.error = function(c) { var a = this.destination; a && a.error && this.destination.error(c); }; a.prototype.complete = function() { var c = this.destination; c && c.complete && this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { return this.source ? this.source.subscribe(c) : p.EMPTY; }; return a; })(w), wd = (function() { function b(a) { this.connectable = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { var b = this.connectable; b._refCount++; a = new wf(a, b); c = c.subscribe(a); a.closed || (a.connection = b.connect()); return c; }; return b; })(), wf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.connectable = a; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.connectable; if (c) { this.connectable = null; var a = c._refCount; 0 >= a ? (this.connection = null) : ((c._refCount = a - 1), 1 < a ? (this.connection = null) : ((a = this.connection), (c = c._connection), (this.connection = null), !c || (a && c !== a) || c.unsubscribe())); } else this.connection = null; }; return a; })(l), hd = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d.source = c; d.subjectFactory = a; d._refCount = 0; d._isComplete = !1; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { return this.getSubject().subscribe(c); }; a.prototype.getSubject = function() { var c = this._subject; if (!c || c.isStopped) this._subject = this.subjectFactory(); return this._subject; }; a.prototype.connect = function() { var c = this._connection; c || ((this._isComplete = !1), (c = this._connection = new p()), c.add(this.source.subscribe(new xf(this.getSubject(), this))), c.closed && ((this._connection = null), (c = p.EMPTY))); return c; }; a.prototype.refCount = function() { return Ca()(this); }; return a; })(g), Me = (function() { var b = hd.prototype; return { operator: { value: null }, _refCount: { value: 0, writable: !0 }, _subject: { value: null, writable: !0 }, _connection: { value: null, writable: !0 }, _subscribe: { value: b._subscribe }, _isComplete: { value: b._isComplete, writable: !0 }, getSubject: { value: b.getSubject }, connect: { value: b.connect }, refCount: { value: b.refCount }, }; })(), xf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.connectable = a; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._error = function(c) { this._unsubscribe(); b.prototype._error.call(this, c); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.connectable._isComplete = !0; this._unsubscribe(); b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.connectable; if (c) { this.connectable = null; var a = c._connection; c._refCount = 0; c._subject = null; c._connection = null; a && a.unsubscribe(); } }; return a; })(gd); (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.connectable = a; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.connectable; if (c) { this.connectable = null; var a = c._refCount; 0 >= a ? (this.connection = null) : ((c._refCount = a - 1), 1 < a ? (this.connection = null) : ((a = this.connection), (c = c._connection), (this.connection = null), !c || (a && c !== a) || c.unsubscribe())); } else this.connection = null; }; return a; })(l); var xd = (function() { function b(a, c, b, e) { this.keySelector = a; this.elementSelector = c; this.durationSelector = b; this.subjectSelector = e; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new yf( a, this.keySelector, this.elementSelector, this.durationSelector, this.subjectSelector, ), ); }; return b; })(), yf = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e, f, k) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.keySelector = a; c.elementSelector = e; c.durationSelector = f; c.subjectSelector = k; c.groups = null; c.attemptedToUnsubscribe = !1; c.count = 0; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { var a; try { a = this.keySelector(c); } catch (e) { this.error(e); return; } this._group(c, a); }; a.prototype._group = function(c, a) { var b = this.groups; b || (b = this.groups = new Map()); var d = b.get(a), k; if (this.elementSelector) try { k = this.elementSelector(c); } catch (v) { this.error(v); } else k = c; if ( !d && ((d = this.subjectSelector ? this.subjectSelector() : new w()), b.set(a, d), (c = new id(a, d, this)), this.destination.next(c), this.durationSelector) ) { c = void 0; try { c = this.durationSelector(new id(a, d)); } catch (v) { this.error(v); return; } this.add(c.subscribe(new zf(a, d, this))); } d.closed || d.next(k); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { var a = this.groups; a && (a.forEach(function(a, b) { a.error(c); }), a.clear()); this.destination.error(c); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var c = this.groups; c && (c.forEach(function(c, a) { c.complete(); }), c.clear()); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.removeGroup = function(c) { this.groups.delete(c); }; a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { this.closed || ((this.attemptedToUnsubscribe = !0), 0 === this.count && b.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this)); }; return a; })(l), zf = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { var d = b.call(this, a) || this; d.key = c; d.group = a; d.parent = e; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.complete(); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.parent, a = this.key; this.key = this.parent = null; c && c.removeGroup(a); }; return a; })(l), id = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d.key = c; d.groupSubject = a; d.refCountSubscription = e; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { var a = new p(), b = this.refCountSubscription, f = this.groupSubject; b && !b.closed && a.add(new Af(b)); a.add(f.subscribe(c)); return a; }; return a; })(g), Af = (function(b) { function a(c) { var a = b.call(this) || this; a.parent = c; c.count++; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.parent; c.closed || this.closed || (b.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this), --c.count, 0 === c.count && c.attemptedToUnsubscribe && c.unsubscribe()); }; return a; })(p), nc = (function(b) { function a(c) { var a = b.call(this) || this; a._value = c; return a; } h(a, b); Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, 'value', { get: function() { return this.getValue(); }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }); a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { var a = b.prototype._subscribe.call(this, c); a && !a.closed && c.next(this._value); return a; }; a.prototype.getValue = function() { if (this.hasError) throw this.thrownError; if (this.closed) throw new M(); return this._value; }; a.prototype.next = function(c) { b.prototype.next.call(this, (this._value = c)); }; return a; })(w), ma = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this, c, a) || this; d.scheduler = c; d.work = a; d.pending = !1; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.schedule = function(c, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); if (this.closed) return this; this.state = c; c = this.id; var b = this.scheduler; null != c && (this.id = this.recycleAsyncId(b, c, a)); this.pending = !0; this.delay = a; this.id = this.id || this.requestAsyncId(b, this.id, a); return this; }; a.prototype.requestAsyncId = function(c, a, b) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); return setInterval(c.flush.bind(c, this), b); }; a.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function(c, a, b) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); if (null !== b && this.delay === b && !1 === this.pending) return a; clearInterval(a); }; a.prototype.execute = function(c, a) { if (this.closed) return Error('executing a cancelled action'); this.pending = !1; if ((c = this._execute(c, a))) return c; !1 === this.pending && null != this.id && (this.id = this.recycleAsyncId(this.scheduler, this.id, null)); }; a.prototype._execute = function(c, a) { a = !1; var b = void 0; try { this.work(c); } catch (f) { (a = !0), (b = (!!f && f) || Error(f)); } if (a) return this.unsubscribe(), b; }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.id, a = this.scheduler, b = a.actions, f = b.indexOf(this); this.state = this.work = null; this.pending = !1; this.scheduler = null; -1 !== f && b.splice(f, 1); null != c && (this.id = this.recycleAsyncId(a, c, null)); this.delay = null; }; return a; })( (function(b) { function a(c, a) { return b.call(this) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.schedule = function(c, a) { return this; }; return a; })(p), ), Bf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this, c, a) || this; d.scheduler = c; d.work = a; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.schedule = function(c, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); if (0 < a) return b.prototype.schedule.call(this, c, a); this.delay = a; this.state = c; this.scheduler.flush(this); return this; }; a.prototype.execute = function(c, a) { return 0 < a || this.closed ? b.prototype.execute.call(this, c, a) : this._execute(c, a); }; a.prototype.requestAsyncId = function(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); return (null !== e && 0 < e) || (null === e && 0 < this.delay) ? b.prototype.requestAsyncId.call(this, c, a, e) : c.flush(this); }; return a; })(ma), jd = (function() { function b(a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = b.now); this.SchedulerAction = a; this.now = c; } b.prototype.schedule = function(a, c, b) { void 0 === c && (c = 0); return new this.SchedulerAction(this, a).schedule(b, c); }; b.now = function() { return Date.now(); }; return b; })(), R = (function(b) { function a(c, d) { void 0 === d && (d = jd.now); var e = b.call(this, c, function() { return a.delegate && a.delegate !== e ? a.delegate.now() : d(); }) || this; e.actions = []; e.active = !1; e.scheduled = void 0; return e; } h(a, b); a.prototype.schedule = function(c, d, e) { void 0 === d && (d = 0); return a.delegate && a.delegate !== this ? a.delegate.schedule(c, d, e) : b.prototype.schedule.call(this, c, d, e); }; a.prototype.flush = function(c) { var a = this.actions; if (this.active) a.push(c); else { var b; this.active = !0; do if ((b = c.execute(c.state, c.delay))) break; while ((c = a.shift())); this.active = !1; if (b) { for (; (c = a.shift()); ) c.unsubscribe(); throw b; } } }; return a; })(jd), kd = new ((function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); return a; })(R))(Bf), ga = new g(function(b) { return b.complete(); }), $a = function(b) { return function(a) { for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d && !a.closed; c++) a.next(b[c]); a.complete(); }; }, ld; (function(b) { b.NEXT = 'N'; b.ERROR = 'E'; b.COMPLETE = 'C'; })(ld || (ld = {})); var x = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { this.kind = a; this.value = c; this.error = b; this.hasValue = 'N' === a; } b.prototype.observe = function(a) { switch (this.kind) { case 'N': return a.next && a.next(this.value); case 'E': return a.error && a.error(this.error); case 'C': return a.complete && a.complete(); } }; b.prototype.do = function(a, c, b) { switch (this.kind) { case 'N': return a && a(this.value); case 'E': return c && c(this.error); case 'C': return b && b(); } }; b.prototype.accept = function(a, c, b) { return a && 'function' === typeof a.next ? this.observe(a) : this.do(a, c, b); }; b.prototype.toObservable = function() { switch (this.kind) { case 'N': return ia(this.value); case 'E': return pa(this.error); case 'C': return V(); } throw Error('unexpected notification kind value'); }; b.createNext = function(a) { return 'undefined' !== typeof a ? new b('N', a) : b.undefinedValueNotification; }; b.createError = function(a) { return new b('E', void 0, a); }; b.createComplete = function() { return b.completeNotification; }; b.completeNotification = new b('C'); b.undefinedValueNotification = new b('N', void 0); return b; })(), Ad = (function() { function b(a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = 0); this.scheduler = a; this.delay = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new md(a, this.scheduler, this.delay)); }; return b; })(), md = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.scheduler = a; c.delay = e; return c; } h(a, b); a.dispatch = function(c) { c.notification.observe(c.destination); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.scheduleMessage = function(c) { this.destination.add( this.scheduler.schedule( a.dispatch, this.delay, new Cf(c, this.destination), ), ); }; a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.scheduleMessage(x.createNext(c)); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { this.scheduleMessage(x.createError(c)); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.scheduleMessage(x.createComplete()); this.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l), Cf = (function() { return function(b, a) { this.notification = b; this.destination = a; }; })(), da = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { void 0 === c && (c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); var d = b.call(this) || this; d.scheduler = e; d._events = []; d._infiniteTimeWindow = !1; d._bufferSize = 1 > c ? 1 : c; d._windowTime = 1 > a ? 1 : a; a === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? ((d._infiniteTimeWindow = !0), (d.next = d.nextInfiniteTimeWindow)) : (d.next = d.nextTimeWindow); return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.nextInfiniteTimeWindow = function(c) { if (!this.isStopped) { var a = this._events; a.push(c); a.length > this._bufferSize && a.shift(); } b.prototype.next.call(this, c); }; a.prototype.nextTimeWindow = function(c) { this.isStopped || (this._events.push(new Df(this._getNow(), c)), this._trimBufferThenGetEvents()); b.prototype.next.call(this, c); }; a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { var a = this._infiniteTimeWindow, b = a ? this._events : this._trimBufferThenGetEvents(), f = this.scheduler, k = b.length, g; if (this.closed) throw new M(); this.isStopped || this.hasError ? (g = p.EMPTY) : (this.observers.push(c), (g = new fd(this, c))); f && c.add((c = new md(c, f))); if (a) for (a = 0; a < k && !c.closed; a++) c.next(b[a]); else for (a = 0; a < k && !c.closed; a++) c.next(b[a].value); this.hasError ? c.error(this.thrownError) : this.isStopped && c.complete(); return g; }; a.prototype._getNow = function() { return (this.scheduler || kd).now(); }; a.prototype._trimBufferThenGetEvents = function() { for ( var c = this._getNow(), a = this._bufferSize, b = this._windowTime, f = this._events, k = f.length, g = 0; g < k && !(c - f[g].time < b); ) g++; k > a && (g = Math.max(g, k - a)); 0 < g && f.splice(0, g); return f; }; return a; })(w), Df = (function() { return function(b, a) { this.time = b; this.value = a; }; })(), W = (function(b) { function a() { var c = (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; c.value = null; c.hasNext = !1; c.hasCompleted = !1; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { return this.hasError ? (c.error(this.thrownError), p.EMPTY) : this.hasCompleted && this.hasNext ? (c.next(this.value), c.complete(), p.EMPTY) : b.prototype._subscribe.call(this, c); }; a.prototype.next = function(c) { this.hasCompleted || ((this.value = c), (this.hasNext = !0)); }; a.prototype.error = function(c) { this.hasCompleted || b.prototype.error.call(this, c); }; a.prototype.complete = function() { this.hasCompleted = !0; this.hasNext && b.prototype.next.call(this, this.value); b.prototype.complete.call(this); }; return a; })(w), Ef = 1, Ff = Promise.resolve(), Ea = {}, nd = { setImmediate: function(b) { var a = Ef++; Ea[a] = !0; Ff.then(function() { return bb(a) && b(); }); return a; }, clearImmediate: function(b) { bb(b); }, }, Gf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this, c, a) || this; d.scheduler = c; d.work = a; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.requestAsyncId = function(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); if (null !== e && 0 < e) return b.prototype.requestAsyncId.call(this, c, a, e); c.actions.push(this); return ( c.scheduled || (c.scheduled = nd.setImmediate(c.flush.bind(c, null))) ); }; a.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); if ((null !== e && 0 < e) || (null === e && 0 < this.delay)) return b.prototype.recycleAsyncId.call(this, c, a, e); 0 === c.actions.length && (nd.clearImmediate(a), (c.scheduled = void 0)); }; return a; })(ma), ya = new ((function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.flush = function(c) { this.active = !0; this.scheduled = void 0; var a = this.actions, b, f = -1, k = a.length; c = c || a.shift(); do if ((b = c.execute(c.state, c.delay))) break; while (++f < k && (c = a.shift())); this.active = !1; if (b) { for (; ++f < k && (c = a.shift()); ) c.unsubscribe(); throw b; } }; return a; })(R))(Gf), D = new R(ma), B = D, Hf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this, c, a) || this; d.scheduler = c; d.work = a; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.requestAsyncId = function(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); if (null !== e && 0 < e) return b.prototype.requestAsyncId.call(this, c, a, e); c.actions.push(this); return ( c.scheduled || (c.scheduled = requestAnimationFrame(function() { return c.flush(null); })) ); }; a.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); if ((null !== e && 0 < e) || (null === e && 0 < this.delay)) return b.prototype.recycleAsyncId.call(this, c, a, e); 0 === c.actions.length && (cancelAnimationFrame(a), (c.scheduled = void 0)); }; return a; })(ma), If = new ((function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.flush = function(c) { this.active = !0; this.scheduled = void 0; var a = this.actions, b, f = -1, k = a.length; c = c || a.shift(); do if ((b = c.execute(c.state, c.delay))) break; while (++f < k && (c = a.shift())); this.active = !1; if (b) { for (; ++f < k && (c = a.shift()); ) c.unsubscribe(); throw b; } }; return a; })(R))(Hf), pd = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { void 0 === c && (c = od); void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); var d = b.call(this, c, function() { return d.frame; }) || this; d.maxFrames = a; d.frame = 0; d.index = -1; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.flush = function() { for ( var c = this.actions, a = this.maxFrames, b, f; (f = c[0]) && f.delay <= a && !(c.shift(), (this.frame = f.delay), (b = f.execute(f.state, f.delay))); ); if (b) { for (; (f = c.shift()); ) f.unsubscribe(); throw b; } }; a.frameTimeFactor = 10; return a; })(R), od = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = c.index += 1); var d = b.call(this, c, a) || this; d.scheduler = c; d.work = a; d.index = e; d.active = !0; d.index = c.index = e; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.schedule = function(c, d) { void 0 === d && (d = 0); if (!this.id) return b.prototype.schedule.call(this, c, d); this.active = !1; var e = new a(this.scheduler, this.work); this.add(e); return e.schedule(c, d); }; a.prototype.requestAsyncId = function(c, b, e) { void 0 === e && (e = 0); this.delay = c.frame + e; c = c.actions; c.push(this); c.sort(a.sortActions); return !0; }; a.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function(c, a, b) {}; a.prototype._execute = function(c, a) { if (!0 === this.active) return b.prototype._execute.call(this, c, a); }; a.sortActions = function(c, a) { return c.delay === a.delay ? c.index === a.index ? 0 : c.index > a.index ? 1 : -1 : c.delay > a.delay ? 1 : -1; }; return a; })(ma), ba = (function() { function b() { Error.call(this); this.message = 'argument out of range'; this.name = 'ArgumentOutOfRangeError'; return this; } b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return b; })(), ja = (function() { function b() { Error.call(this); this.message = 'no elements in sequence'; this.name = 'EmptyError'; return this; } b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return b; })(), Oc = (function() { function b() { Error.call(this); this.message = 'Timeout has occurred'; this.name = 'TimeoutError'; return this; } b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return b; })(), Bd = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.project = a; this.thisArg = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Jf(a, this.project, this.thisArg)); }; return b; })(), Jf = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.project = a; c.count = 0; c.thisArg = e || c; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { var a; try { a = this.project.call(this.thisArg, c, this.count++); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } this.destination.next(a); }; return a; })(l), S = (function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c, a, b, f, k) { this.destination.next(a); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(c, a) { this.destination.error(c); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(c) { this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(l), Gd = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d.parent = c; d.outerValue = a; d.outerIndex = e; d.index = 0; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.parent.notifyNext( this.outerValue, c, this.outerIndex, this.index++, this, ); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { this.parent.notifyError(c, this); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.parent.notifyComplete(this); this.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l), Kf = function(b) { return function(a) { b.then( function(c) { a.closed || (a.next(c), a.complete()); }, function(c) { return a.error(c); }, ).then(null, U); return a; }; }, F; F = 'function' === typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'; var Lf = function(b) { return function(a) { var c = b[F](); do { var d = void 0; try { d = c.next(); } catch (e) { return a.error(e), a; } if (d.done) { a.complete(); break; } a.next(d.value); if (a.closed) break; } while (1); 'function' === typeof c.return && a.add(function() { c.return && c.return(); }); return a; }; }, Mf = function(b) { return function(a) { var c = b[X](); if ('function' !== typeof c.subscribe) throw new TypeError( 'Provided object does not correctly implement Symbol.observable', ); return c.subscribe(a); }; }, gb = function(b) { return b && 'number' === typeof b.length && 'function' !== typeof b; }, Fa = function(b) { if (b && 'function' === typeof b[X]) return Mf(b); if (gb(b)) return $a(b); if (fb(b)) return Kf(b); if (b && 'function' === typeof b[F]) return Lf(b); b = za(b) ? 'an invalid object' : "'" + b + "'"; throw new TypeError( 'You provided ' + b + ' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.', ); }, qd = {}, ta = (function() { function b(a) { this.resultSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Nf(a, this.resultSelector)); }; return b; })(), Nf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.resultSelector = a; c.active = 0; c.values = []; c.observables = []; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.values.push(qd); this.observables.push(c); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var c = this.observables, a = c.length; if (0 === a) this.destination.complete(); else { this.toRespond = this.active = a; for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) this.add(I(this, c[b], void 0, b)); } }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(c) { 0 === --this.active && this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c, a, b) { c = this.values; var d = c[b], d = this.toRespond ? d === qd ? --this.toRespond : this.toRespond : 0; c[b] = a; 0 === d && (this.resultSelector ? this._tryResultSelector(c) : this.destination.next(c.slice())); }; a.prototype._tryResultSelector = function(c) { var a; try { a = this.resultSelector.apply(this, c); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } this.destination.next(a); }; return a; })(S), t = (function(b) { function a(c) { var a = b.call(this) || this; a.parent = c; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.parent.notifyNext(c); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { this.parent.notifyError(c); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.parent.notifyComplete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l); (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { var d = b.call(this) || this; d.parent = c; d.outerValue = a; d.outerIndex = e; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.parent.notifyNext(this.outerValue, c, this.outerIndex, this); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { this.parent.notifyError(c); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.parent.notifyComplete(this); this.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l); var r = (function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c) { this.destination.next(c); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(c) { this.destination.error(c); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(l); (function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c, a, b, f) { this.destination.next(a); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(c) { this.destination.error(c); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(c) { this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(l); var Ld = (function() { function b(a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); this.project = a; this.concurrent = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Of(a, this.project, this.concurrent)); }; return b; })(), Of = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && (e = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.project = a; c.concurrent = e; c.hasCompleted = !1; c.buffer = []; c.active = 0; c.index = 0; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.active < this.concurrent ? this._tryNext(c) : this.buffer.push(c); }; a.prototype._tryNext = function(c) { var a, b = this.index++; try { a = this.project(c, b); } catch (f) { this.destination.error(f); return; } this.active++; this._innerSub(a); }; a.prototype._innerSub = function(c) { var a = new t(this), b = this.destination; b.add(a); c = u(c, a); c !== a && b.add(c); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.hasCompleted = !0; 0 === this.active && 0 === this.buffer.length && this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c) { this.destination.next(c); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { var c = this.buffer; this.active--; 0 < c.length ? this._next(c.shift()) : 0 === this.active && this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(r), Pf = new g(H), Td = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.predicate = a; this.thisArg = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Qf(a, this.predicate, this.thisArg)); }; return b; })(), Qf = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.predicate = a; c.thisArg = e; c.count = 0; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { var a; try { a = this.predicate.call(this.thisArg, c, this.count++); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } a && this.destination.next(c); }; return a; })(l), Ud = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Rf(a)); }; return b; })(), Rf = (function(b) { function a(c) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.hasFirst = !1; c.observables = []; c.subscriptions = []; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.observables.push(c); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var c = this.observables, a = c.length; if (0 === a) this.destination.complete(); else { for (var b = 0; b < a && !this.hasFirst; b++) { var f = I(this, c[b], void 0, b); this.subscriptions && this.subscriptions.push(f); this.add(f); } this.observables = null; } }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c, a, b) { if (!this.hasFirst) { this.hasFirst = !0; for (c = 0; c < this.subscriptions.length; c++) if (c !== b) { var d = this.subscriptions[c]; d.unsubscribe(); this.remove(d); } this.subscriptions = null; } this.destination.next(a); }; return a; })(S), mb = (function() { function b(a) { this.resultSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Sf(a, this.resultSelector)); }; return b; })(), Sf = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { void 0 === e && Object.create(null); c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.resultSelector = a; c.iterators = []; c.active = 0; c.resultSelector = 'function' === typeof a ? a : void 0; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { var a = this.iterators; z(c) ? a.push(new Tf(c)) : 'function' === typeof c[F] ? a.push(new Uf(c[F]())) : a.push(new Vf(this.destination, this, c)); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var c = this.iterators, a = c.length; this.unsubscribe(); if (0 === a) this.destination.complete(); else { this.active = a; for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) { var f = c[b]; f.stillUnsubscribed ? this.destination.add(f.subscribe()) : this.active--; } } }; a.prototype.notifyInactive = function() { this.active--; 0 === this.active && this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.checkIterators = function() { for ( var c = this.iterators, a = c.length, b = this.destination, f = 0; f < a; f++ ) { var k = c[f]; if ('function' === typeof k.hasValue && !k.hasValue()) return; } for (var g = !1, h = [], f = 0; f < a; f++) { var k = c[f], l = k.next(); k.hasCompleted() && (g = !0); if (l.done) { b.complete(); return; } h.push(l.value); } this.resultSelector ? this._tryresultSelector(h) : b.next(h); g && b.complete(); }; a.prototype._tryresultSelector = function(c) { var a; try { a = this.resultSelector.apply(this, c); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } this.destination.next(a); }; return a; })(l), Uf = (function() { function b(a) { this.iterator = a; this.nextResult = a.next(); } b.prototype.hasValue = function() { return !0; }; b.prototype.next = function() { var a = this.nextResult; this.nextResult = this.iterator.next(); return a; }; b.prototype.hasCompleted = function() { var a = this.nextResult; return !(!a || !a.done); }; return b; })(), Tf = (function() { function b(a) { this.array = a; this.length = this.index = 0; this.length = a.length; } b.prototype[F] = function() { return this; }; b.prototype.next = function(a) { a = this.index++; var c = this.array; return a < this.length ? { value: c[a], done: !1 } : { value: null, done: !0 }; }; b.prototype.hasValue = function() { return this.array.length > this.index; }; b.prototype.hasCompleted = function() { return this.array.length === this.index; }; return b; })(), Vf = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.parent = a; c.observable = e; c.stillUnsubscribed = !0; c.buffer = []; c.isComplete = !1; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype[F] = function() { return this; }; a.prototype.next = function() { var c = this.buffer; return 0 === c.length && this.isComplete ? { value: null, done: !0 } : { value: c.shift(), done: !1 }; }; a.prototype.hasValue = function() { return 0 < this.buffer.length; }; a.prototype.hasCompleted = function() { return 0 === this.buffer.length && this.isComplete; }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { 0 < this.buffer.length ? ((this.isComplete = !0), this.parent.notifyInactive()) : this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(c) { this.buffer.push(c); this.parent.checkIterators(); }; a.prototype.subscribe = function() { return u(this.observable, new t(this)); }; return a; })(r), Wf = 'undefined' !== typeof self && 'undefined' !== typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self, Xf = 'undefined' !== typeof global && global, C = ('undefined' !== typeof window && window) || Xf || Wf; if (!C) throw Error( 'RxJS could not find any global context (window, self, global)', ); var ce = A(function(b, a) { return b.response; }), Q = (function(b) { function a(c) { var a = b.call(this) || this, e = { async: !0, createXHR: function() { var c; if (this.crossDomain) if (C.XMLHttpRequest) c = new C.XMLHttpRequest(); else if (C.XDomainRequest) c = new C.XDomainRequest(); else throw Error('CORS is not supported by your browser'); else if (C.XMLHttpRequest) c = new C.XMLHttpRequest(); else { var a = void 0; try { for ( var b = [ 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', ], d = 0; 3 > d; d++ ) try { a = b[d]; new C.ActiveXObject(a); break; } catch (q) {} c = new C.ActiveXObject(a); } catch (q) { throw Error( 'XMLHttpRequest is not supported by your browser', ); } } return c; }, crossDomain: !0, withCredentials: !1, headers: {}, method: 'GET', responseType: 'json', timeout: 0, }; if ('string' === typeof c) e.url = c; else for (var f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && (e[f] = c[f]); a.request = e; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { return new Yf(c, this.request); }; a.create = (function() { var c = function(c) { return new a(c); }; c.get = Xd; c.post = Yd; c.delete = Zd; c.put = $d; c.patch = ae; c.getJSON = be; return c; })(); return a; })(g), Yf = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.request = a; c.done = !1; var d = (a.headers = a.headers || {}); a.crossDomain || c.getHeader(d, 'X-Requested-With') || (d['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'); c.getHeader(d, 'Content-Type') || (C.FormData && a.body instanceof C.FormData) || 'undefined' === typeof a.body || (d['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset\x3dutf-8'); a.body = c.serializeBody( a.body, c.getHeader(a.headers, 'Content-Type'), ); c.send(); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype.next = function(c) { this.done = !0; var a = this.xhr, b = this.request, f = this.destination, k; try { k = new Sa(c, a, b); } catch (v) { return f.error(v); } f.next(k); }; a.prototype.send = function() { var c = this.request, a = this.request, b = a.user, f = a.method, k = a.url, g = a.async, h = a.password, l = a.headers, a = a.body; try { var q = (this.xhr = c.createXHR()); this.setupEvents(q, c); b ? q.open(f, k, g, b, h) : q.open(f, k, g); g && ((q.timeout = c.timeout), (q.responseType = c.responseType)); 'withCredentials' in q && (q.withCredentials = !!c.withCredentials); this.setHeaders(q, l); a ? q.send(a) : q.send(); } catch (Md) { this.error(Md); } }; a.prototype.serializeBody = function(c, a) { if ( !c || 'string' === typeof c || (C.FormData && c instanceof C.FormData) ) return c; if (a) { var b = a.indexOf(';'); -1 !== b && (a = a.substring(0, b)); } switch (a) { case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': return Object.keys(c) .map(function(a) { return ( encodeURIComponent(a) + '\x3d' + encodeURIComponent(c[a]) ); }) .join('\x26'); case 'application/json': return JSON.stringify(c); default: return c; } }; a.prototype.setHeaders = function(c, a) { for (var b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && c.setRequestHeader(b, a[b]); }; a.prototype.getHeader = function(c, a) { for (var b in c) if (b.toLowerCase() === a.toLowerCase()) return c[b]; }; a.prototype.setupEvents = function(c, a) { function b(c) { var a = b.subscriber, d = b.progressSubscriber, e = b.request; d && d.error(c); var f; try { f = new Ta(this, e); } catch (Ua) { f = Ua; } a.error(f); } function d(c) {} function k(c) { var a = k.subscriber, b = k.progressSubscriber, d = k.request; if (4 === this.readyState) { var e = 1223 === this.status ? 204 : this.status, f = 'text' === this.responseType ? this.response || this.responseText : this.response; 0 === e && (e = f ? 200 : 0); if (400 > e) b && b.complete(), a.next(c), a.complete(); else { b && b.error(c); c = void 0; try { c = new na('ajax error ' + e, this, d); } catch (Zf) { c = Zf; } a.error(c); } } } var g = a.progressSubscriber; c.ontimeout = b; b.request = a; b.subscriber = this; b.progressSubscriber = g; if (c.upload && 'withCredentials' in c) { if (g) { var h; h = function(c) { h.progressSubscriber.next(c); }; C.XDomainRequest ? (c.onprogress = h) : (c.upload.onprogress = h); h.progressSubscriber = g; } var l; l = function(c) { var a = l.progressSubscriber, b = l.subscriber, d = l.request; a && a.error(c); var e; try { e = new na('ajax error', this, d); } catch (Ua) { e = Ua; } b.error(e); }; c.onerror = l; l.request = a; l.subscriber = this; l.progressSubscriber = g; } c.onreadystatechange = d; d.subscriber = this; d.progressSubscriber = g; d.request = a; c.onload = k; k.subscriber = this; k.progressSubscriber = g; k.request = a; }; a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { var c = this.xhr; !this.done && c && 4 !== c.readyState && 'function' === typeof c.abort && c.abort(); b.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this); }; return a; })(l), Sa = (function() { return function(b, a, c) { this.originalEvent = b; this.xhr = a; this.request = c; this.status = a.status; this.responseType = a.responseType || c.responseType; this.response = nb(this.responseType, a); }; })(), na = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { Error.call(this); this.message = a; this.name = 'AjaxError'; this.xhr = c; this.request = b; this.status = c.status; this.responseType = c.responseType || b.responseType; this.response = nb(this.responseType, c); return this; } b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return b; })(), Ta = function(b, a) { na.call(this, 'ajax timeout', b, a); this.name = 'AjaxTimeoutError'; return this; }, rd = Q.create, $f = { url: '', deserializer: function(b) { return JSON.parse(b.data); }, serializer: function(b) { return JSON.stringify(b); }, }, pb = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { var d = b.call(this) || this; if (c instanceof g) (d.destination = a), (d.source = c); else { a = d._config = vf({}, $f); d._output = new w(); if ('string' === typeof c) a.url = c; else for (var f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && (a[f] = c[f]); if (!a.WebSocketCtor && WebSocket) a.WebSocketCtor = WebSocket; else if (!a.WebSocketCtor) throw Error('no WebSocket constructor can be found'); d.destination = new da(); } return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype.lift = function(c) { var b = new a(this._config, this.destination); b.operator = c; b.source = this; return b; }; a.prototype._resetState = function() { this._socket = null; this.source || (this.destination = new da()); this._output = new w(); }; a.prototype.multiplex = function(c, a, b) { var d = this; return new g(function(e) { try { d.next(c()); } catch (n) { e.error(n); } var f = d.subscribe( function(c) { try { b(c) && e.next(c); } catch (O) { e.error(O); } }, function(c) { return e.error(c); }, function() { return e.complete(); }, ); return function() { try { d.next(a()); } catch (n) { e.error(n); } f.unsubscribe(); }; }); }; a.prototype._connectSocket = function() { var c = this, a = this._config, b = a.WebSocketCtor, f = a.protocol, g = a.url, a = a.binaryType, h = this._output, n = null; try { (this._socket = n = f ? new b(g, f) : new b(g)), a && (this._socket.binaryType = a); } catch (q) { h.error(q); return; } var m = new p(function() { c._socket = null; n && 1 === n.readyState && n.close(); }); n.onopen = function(a) { if (c._socket) { var b = c._config.openObserver; b && b.next(a); a = c.destination; c.destination = l.create( function(a) { if (1 === n.readyState) try { var b = c._config.serializer; n.send(b(a)); } catch (Od) { c.destination.error(Od); } }, function(a) { var b = c._config.closingObserver; b && b.next(void 0); a && a.code ? n.close(a.code, a.reason) : h.error( new TypeError( 'WebSocketSubject.error must be called with an object with an error code, and an optional reason: { code: number, reason: string }', ), ); c._resetState(); }, function() { var a = c._config.closingObserver; a && a.next(void 0); n.close(); c._resetState(); }, ); a && a instanceof da && m.add(a.subscribe(c.destination)); } else n.close(), c._resetState(); }; n.onerror = function(a) { c._resetState(); h.error(a); }; n.onclose = function(a) { c._resetState(); var b = c._config.closeObserver; b && b.next(a); a.wasClean ? h.complete() : h.error(a); }; n.onmessage = function(a) { try { var b = c._config.deserializer; h.next(b(a)); } catch (Nd) { h.error(Nd); } }; }; a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { var a = this, b = this.source; if (b) return b.subscribe(c); this._socket || this._connectSocket(); this._output.subscribe(c); c.add(function() { var c = a._socket; 0 === a._output.observers.length && (c && 1 === c.readyState && c.close(), a._resetState()); }); return c; }; a.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { var c = this._socket; c && 1 === c.readyState && c.close(); this._resetState(); b.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this); }; return a; })(xa), ag = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); void 0 === e && (e = ya); var d = b.call(this) || this; d.source = c; d.delayTime = a; d.scheduler = e; if (!K(a) || 0 > a) d.delayTime = 0; (e && 'function' === typeof e.schedule) || (d.scheduler = ya); return d; } h(a, b); a.create = function(c, b, e) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); void 0 === e && (e = ya); return new a(c, b, e); }; a.dispatch = function(c) { return this.add(c.source.subscribe(c.subscriber)); }; a.prototype._subscribe = function(c) { return this.scheduler.schedule(a.dispatch, this.delayTime, { source: this.source, subscriber: c, }); }; return a; })(g), rb = (function() { return function(b, a) { this.value = b; this.timestamp = a; }; })(), de = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { void 0 === b && (b = !1); this.accumulator = a; this.seed = c; this.hasSeed = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new bg(a, this.accumulator, this.seed, this.hasSeed), ); }; return b; })(), bg = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e, f) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.accumulator = a; c._seed = e; c.hasSeed = f; c.index = 0; return c; } h(a, b); Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, 'seed', { get: function() { return this._seed; }, set: function(c) { this.hasSeed = !0; this._seed = c; }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }); a.prototype._next = function(c) { if (this.hasSeed) return this._tryNext(c); this.seed = c; this.destination.next(c); }; a.prototype._tryNext = function(c) { var a = this.index++, b; try { b = this.accumulator(this.seed, c, a); } catch (f) { this.destination.error(f); } this.seed = b; this.destination.next(b); }; return a; })(l), tb = (function() { return function(b, a) { this.value = b; this.interval = a; }; })(), sa = { leading: !0, trailing: !1 }, ee = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { this.durationSelector = a; this.leading = c; this.trailing = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new cg(a, this.durationSelector, this.leading, this.trailing), ); }; return b; })(), cg = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e, f) { var d = b.call(this, c) || this; d.destination = c; d.durationSelector = a; d._leading = e; d._trailing = f; d._hasValue = !1; return d; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this._hasValue = !0; this._sendValue = c; this._throttled || (this._leading ? this.send() : this.throttle(c)); }; a.prototype.send = function() { var c = this._sendValue; this._hasValue && (this.destination.next(c), this.throttle(c)); this._hasValue = !1; this._sendValue = void 0; }; a.prototype.throttle = function(c) { (c = this.tryDurationSelector(c)) && this.add((this._throttled = u(c, new t(this)))); }; a.prototype.tryDurationSelector = function(c) { try { return this.durationSelector(c); } catch (d) { return this.destination.error(d), null; } }; a.prototype.throttlingDone = function() { var c = this._throttled, a = this._trailing; c && c.unsubscribe(); this._throttled = void 0; a && this.send(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.throttlingDone(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.throttlingDone(); }; return a; })(r); g.bindCallback = cb; g.bindNodeCallback = db; g.combineLatest = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; var c = (a = void 0); y(b[b.length - 1]) && (c = b.pop()); 'function' === typeof b[b.length - 1] && (a = b.pop()); 1 === b.length && z(b[0]) && (b = b[0]); return ha(b, c).lift(new ta(a)); }; g.concat = Y; g.defer = Ha; g.empty = V; g.forkJoin = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; if (1 === b.length) { var c = b[0]; if (z(c)) return ra(c, null); if (za(c) && Object.getPrototypeOf(c) === Object.prototype) return ( (b = Object.keys(c)), ra( b.map(function(a) { return c[a]; }), b, ) ); } if ('function' === typeof b[b.length - 1]) { var d = b.pop(), b = 1 === b.length && z(b[0]) ? b[0] : b; return ra(b, null).pipe( A(function(c) { return d.apply(void 0, c); }), ); } return ra(b, null); }; g.from = G; g.fromEvent = hb; g.fromEventPattern = jb; g.fromPromise = G; g.generate = function(b, a, c, d, e) { var f, k; 1 == arguments.length ? ((k = b.initialState), (a = b.condition), (c = b.iterate), (f = b.resultSelector || N), (e = b.scheduler)) : void 0 === d || y(d) ? ((k = b), (f = N), (e = d)) : ((k = b), (f = d)); return new g(function(b) { var d = k; if (e) return e.schedule(Pd, 0, { subscriber: b, iterate: c, condition: a, resultSelector: f, state: d, }); do { if (a) { var g = void 0; try { g = a(d); } catch (q) { b.error(q); break; } if (!g) { b.complete(); break; } } g = void 0; try { g = f(d); } catch (q) { b.error(q); break; } b.next(g); if (b.closed) break; try { d = c(d); } catch (q) { b.error(q); break; } } while (1); }); }; g.if = function(b, a, c) { void 0 === a && (a = ga); void 0 === c && (c = ga); return Ha(function() { return b() ? a : c; }); }; g.interval = function(b, a) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); void 0 === a && (a = B); if (!K(b) || 0 > b) b = 0; (a && 'function' === typeof a.schedule) || (a = B); return new g(function(c) { c.add(a.schedule(Qd, b, { subscriber: c, counter: 0, period: b })); return c; }); }; g.merge = Ia; g.race = kb; g.never = function() { return Pf; }; g.of = ia; g.onErrorResumeNext = Ja; g.pairs = function(b, a) { return a ? new g(function(c) { var d = Object.keys(b), e = new p(); e.add( a.schedule(Rd, 0, { keys: d, index: 0, subscriber: c, subscription: e, obj: b, }), ); return e; }) : new g(function(c) { for (var a = Object.keys(b), e = 0; e < a.length && !c.closed; e++) { var f = a[e]; b.hasOwnProperty(f) && c.next([f, b[f]]); } c.complete(); }); }; g.range = function(b, a, c) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); return new g(function(d) { void 0 === a && ((a = b), (b = 0)); var e = 0, f = b; if (c) return c.schedule(Vd, 0, { index: e, count: a, start: b, subscriber: d, }); do { if (e++ >= a) { d.complete(); break; } d.next(f++); if (d.closed) break; } while (1); }); }; g.using = function(b, a) { return new g(function(c) { var d; try { d = b(); } catch (k) { c.error(k); return; } var e; try { e = a(d); } catch (k) { c.error(k); return; } var f = (e ? G(e) : ga).subscribe(c); return function() { f.unsubscribe(); d && d.unsubscribe(); }; }); }; g.throw = pa; g.throwError = pa; g.timer = lb; g.zip = Ka; var dg = Object.freeze({ ajax: rd, AjaxResponse: Sa, AjaxError: na, AjaxTimeoutError: Ta, }); g.ajax = rd; var eg = Object.freeze({ webSocket: ob, WebSocketSubject: pb }); g.webSocket = ob; var fe = (function() { function b(a) { this.durationSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new fg(a, this.durationSelector)); }; return b; })(), fg = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.durationSelector = a; c.hasValue = !1; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.value = c; this.hasValue = !0; if (!this.throttled) { var a = void 0; try { var b = this.durationSelector, a = b(c); } catch (f) { return this.destination.error(f); } c = u(a, new t(this)); !c || c.closed ? this.clearThrottle() : this.add((this.throttled = c)); } }; a.prototype.clearThrottle = function() { var c = this.value, a = this.hasValue, b = this.throttled; b && (this.remove(b), (this.throttled = void 0), b.unsubscribe()); a && ((this.value = void 0), (this.hasValue = !1), this.destination.next(c)); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.clearThrottle(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.clearThrottle(); }; return a; })(r), ge = (function() { function b(a) { this.closingNotifier = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new gg(a, this.closingNotifier)); }; return b; })(), gg = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.buffer = []; c.add(u(a, new t(c))); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { this.buffer.push(c); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { var c = this.buffer; this.buffer = []; this.destination.next(c); }; return a; })(r), he = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.bufferSize = a; this.subscriberClass = (this.startBufferEvery = c) && a !== c ? hg : ig; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new this.subscriberClass(a, this.bufferSize, this.startBufferEvery), ); }; return b; })(), ig = (function(b) { function a(c, a) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.bufferSize = a; c.buffer = []; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { var a = this.buffer; a.push(c); a.length == this.bufferSize && (this.destination.next(a), (this.buffer = [])); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var c = this.buffer; 0 < c.length && this.destination.next(c); b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; return a; })(l), hg = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.bufferSize = a; c.startBufferEvery = e; c.buffers = []; c.count = 0; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { var a = this.bufferSize, b = this.startBufferEvery, f = this.buffers, g = this.count; this.count++; 0 === g % b && f.push([]); for (b = f.length; b--; ) (g = f[b]), g.push(c), g.length === a && (f.splice(b, 1), this.destination.next(g)); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { for (var c = this.buffers, a = this.destination; 0 < c.length; ) { var e = c.shift(); 0 < e.length && a.next(e); } b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; return a; })(l), ie = (function() { function b(a, c, b, e) { this.bufferTimeSpan = a; this.bufferCreationInterval = c; this.maxBufferSize = b; this.scheduler = e; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new jg( a, this.bufferTimeSpan, this.bufferCreationInterval, this.maxBufferSize, this.scheduler, ), ); }; return b; })(), kg = (function() { return function() { this.buffer = []; }; })(), jg = (function(b) { function a(c, a, e, f, g) { c = b.call(this, c) || this; c.bufferTimeSpan = a; c.bufferCreationInterval = e; c.maxBufferSize = f; c.scheduler = g; c.contexts = []; f = c.openContext(); c.timespanOnly = null == e || 0 > e; if (c.timespanOnly) c.add( (f.closeAction = g.schedule(Ab, a, { subscriber: c, context: f, bufferTimeSpan: a, })), ); else { var d = { bufferTimeSpan: a, bufferCreationInterval: e, subscriber: c, scheduler: g, }; c.add( (f.closeAction = g.schedule(Bb, a, { subscriber: c, context: f })), ); c.add(g.schedule(je, e, d)); } return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(c) { for (var a = this.contexts, b = a.length, f, g = 0; g < b; g++) { var h = a[g], l = h.buffer; l.push(c); l.length == this.maxBufferSize && (f = h); } if (f) this.onBufferFull(f); }; a.prototype._error = function(c) { this.contexts.length = 0; b.prototype._error.call(this, c); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { for (var c = this.contexts, a = this.destination; 0 < c.length; ) { var e = c.shift(); a.next(e.buffer); } b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { this.contexts = null; }; a.prototype.onBufferFull = function(c) { this.closeContext(c); c = c.closeAction; c.unsubscribe(); this.remove(c); if (!this.closed && this.timespanOnly) { c = this.openContext(); var a = this.bufferTimeSpan; this.add( (c.closeAction = this.scheduler.schedule(Ab, a, { subscriber: this, context: c, bufferTimeSpan: a, })), ); } }; a.prototype.openContext = function() { var a = new kg(); this.contexts.push(a); return a; }; a.prototype.closeContext = function(a) { this.destination.next(a.buffer); var c = this.contexts; 0 <= (c ? c.indexOf(a) : -1) && c.splice(c.indexOf(a), 1); }; return a; })(l), ke = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.openings = a; this.closingSelector = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new lg(a, this.openings, this.closingSelector)); }; return b; })(), lg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.closingSelector = e; a.contexts = []; a.add(I(a, d)); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { for (var c = this.contexts, b = c.length, f = 0; f < b; f++) c[f].buffer.push(a); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { for (var c = this.contexts; 0 < c.length; ) { var e = c.shift(); e.subscription.unsubscribe(); e.buffer = null; e.subscription = null; } this.contexts = null; b.prototype._error.call(this, a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { for (var a = this.contexts; 0 < a.length; ) { var d = a.shift(); this.destination.next(d.buffer); d.subscription.unsubscribe(); d.buffer = null; d.subscription = null; } this.contexts = null; b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a, b) { a ? this.closeBuffer(a) : this.openBuffer(b); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { this.closeBuffer(a.context); }; a.prototype.openBuffer = function(a) { try { var c = this.closingSelector.call(this, a); c && this.trySubscribe(c); } catch (e) { this._error(e); } }; a.prototype.closeBuffer = function(a) { var c = this.contexts; if (c && a) { var b = a.subscription; this.destination.next(a.buffer); c.splice(c.indexOf(a), 1); this.remove(b); b.unsubscribe(); } }; a.prototype.trySubscribe = function(a) { var c = this.contexts, b = new p(), f = { buffer: [], subscription: b }; c.push(f); a = I(this, a, f); !a || a.closed ? this.closeBuffer(f) : ((a.context = f), this.add(a), b.add(a)); }; return a; })(S), le = (function() { function b(a) { this.closingSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new mg(a, this.closingSelector)); }; return b; })(), mg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.closingSelector = d; a.subscribing = !1; a.openBuffer(); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.buffer.push(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.buffer; a && this.destination.next(a); b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { this.buffer = void 0; this.subscribing = !1; }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.openBuffer(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.subscribing ? this.complete() : this.openBuffer(); }; a.prototype.openBuffer = function() { var a = this.closingSubscription; a && (this.remove(a), a.unsubscribe()); (a = this.buffer) && this.destination.next(a); this.buffer = []; var b; try { var e = this.closingSelector; b = e(); } catch (f) { return this.error(f); } this.closingSubscription = a = new p(); this.add(a); this.subscribing = !0; a.add(u(b, new t(this))); this.subscribing = !1; }; return a; })(r), me = (function() { function b(a) { this.selector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new ng(a, this.selector, this.caught)); }; return b; })(), ng = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.selector = d; a.caught = e; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.error = function(a) { if (!this.isStopped) { var c = void 0; try { c = this.selector(a, this.caught); } catch (e) { b.prototype.error.call(this, e); return; } this._unsubscribeAndRecycle(); a = new t(this); this.add(a); c = u(c, a); c !== a && this.add(c); } }; return a; })(r), ne = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.predicate = a; this.source = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new og(a, this.predicate, this.source)); }; return b; })(), og = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.predicate = d; a.source = e; a.count = 0; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.predicate ? this._tryPredicate(a) : this.count++; }; a.prototype._tryPredicate = function(a) { var c; try { c = this.predicate(a, this.index++, this.source); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } c && this.count++; }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.destination.next(this.count); this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(l), oe = (function() { function b(a) { this.durationSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new pg(a, this.durationSelector)); }; return b; })(), pg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.durationSelector = d; a.hasValue = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { try { var c = this.durationSelector.call(this, a); c && this._tryNext(a, c); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); } }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.emitValue(); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype._tryNext = function(a, b) { var c = this.durationSubscription; this.value = a; this.hasValue = !0; c && (c.unsubscribe(), this.remove(c)); (c = u(b, new t(this))) && !c.closed && this.add((this.durationSubscription = c)); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.emitValue(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.emitValue(); }; a.prototype.emitValue = function() { if (this.hasValue) { var a = this.value, d = this.durationSubscription; d && ((this.durationSubscription = void 0), d.unsubscribe(), this.remove(d)); this.value = void 0; this.hasValue = !1; b.prototype._next.call(this, a); } }; return a; })(r), pe = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.dueTime = a; this.scheduler = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new qg(a, this.dueTime, this.scheduler)); }; return b; })(), qg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.dueTime = d; a.scheduler = e; a.debouncedSubscription = null; a.lastValue = null; a.hasValue = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.clearDebounce(); this.lastValue = a; this.hasValue = !0; this.add( (this.debouncedSubscription = this.scheduler.schedule( qe, this.dueTime, this, )), ); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.debouncedNext(); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.debouncedNext = function() { this.clearDebounce(); if (this.hasValue) { var a = this.lastValue; this.lastValue = null; this.hasValue = !1; this.destination.next(a); } }; a.prototype.clearDebounce = function() { var a = this.debouncedSubscription; null !== a && (this.remove(a), a.unsubscribe(), (this.debouncedSubscription = null)); }; return a; })(l), re = (function() { function b(a) { this.defaultValue = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new rg(a, this.defaultValue)); }; return b; })(), rg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.defaultValue = d; a.isEmpty = !0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.isEmpty = !1; this.destination.next(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.isEmpty && this.destination.next(this.defaultValue); this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(l), se = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.delay = a; this.scheduler = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new sg(a, this.delay, this.scheduler)); }; return b; })(), sg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.delay = d; a.scheduler = e; a.queue = []; a.active = !1; a.errored = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.dispatch = function(a) { for ( var c = a.source, b = c.queue, f = a.scheduler, g = a.destination; 0 < b.length && 0 >= b[0].time - f.now(); ) b.shift().notification.observe(g); 0 < b.length ? ((c = Math.max(0, b[0].time - f.now())), this.schedule(a, c)) : (this.unsubscribe(), (c.active = !1)); }; a.prototype._schedule = function(c) { this.active = !0; this.destination.add( c.schedule(a.dispatch, this.delay, { source: this, destination: this.destination, scheduler: c, }), ); }; a.prototype.scheduleNotification = function(a) { if (!0 !== this.errored) { var c = this.scheduler; a = new tg(c.now() + this.delay, a); this.queue.push(a); !1 === this.active && this._schedule(c); } }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.scheduleNotification(x.createNext(a)); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { this.errored = !0; this.queue = []; this.destination.error(a); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.scheduleNotification(x.createComplete()); this.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l), tg = (function() { return function(b, a) { this.time = b; this.notification = a; }; })(), Mb = (function() { function b(a) { this.delayDurationSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new ug(a, this.delayDurationSelector)); }; return b; })(), ug = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.delayDurationSelector = d; a.completed = !1; a.delayNotifierSubscriptions = []; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a, b, e, f, g) { this.destination.next(a); this.removeSubscription(g); this.tryComplete(); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(a, b) { this._error(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { (a = this.removeSubscription(a)) && this.destination.next(a); this.tryComplete(); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.index++; try { var b = this.delayDurationSelector(a, c); b && this.tryDelay(b, a); } catch (f) { this.destination.error(f); } }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.completed = !0; this.tryComplete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.removeSubscription = function(a) { a.unsubscribe(); var c = this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.indexOf(a); -1 !== c && this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.splice(c, 1); return a.outerValue; }; a.prototype.tryDelay = function(a, b) { (a = I(this, a, b)) && !a.closed && (this.destination.add(a), this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.push(a)); }; a.prototype.tryComplete = function() { this.completed && 0 === this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.length && this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(S), te = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { var c = b.call(this) || this; c.source = a; c.subscriptionDelay = d; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._subscribe = function(a) { this.subscriptionDelay.subscribe(new vg(a, this.source)); }; return a; })(g), vg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { var c = b.call(this) || this; c.parent = a; c.source = d; c.sourceSubscribed = !1; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.subscribeToSource(); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { this.unsubscribe(); this.parent.error(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.unsubscribe(); this.subscribeToSource(); }; a.prototype.subscribeToSource = function() { this.sourceSubscribed || ((this.sourceSubscribed = !0), this.unsubscribe(), this.source.subscribe(this.parent)); }; return a; })(l), ue = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new wg(a)); }; return b; })(), wg = (function(b) { function a(a) { return b.call(this, a) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { a.observe(this.destination); }; return a; })(l), ve = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.keySelector = a; this.flushes = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new xg(a, this.keySelector, this.flushes)); }; return b; })(), xg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.keySelector = d; a.values = new Set(); e && a.add(u(e, new t(a))); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.values.clear(); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(a) { this._error(a); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.keySelector ? this._useKeySelector(a) : this._finalizeNext(a, a); }; a.prototype._useKeySelector = function(a) { var c, b = this.destination; try { c = this.keySelector(a); } catch (f) { b.error(f); return; } this._finalizeNext(c, a); }; a.prototype._finalizeNext = function(a, b) { var c = this.values; c.has(a) || (c.add(a), this.destination.next(b)); }; return a; })(r), we = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.compare = a; this.keySelector = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new yg(a, this.compare, this.keySelector)); }; return b; })(), yg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.keySelector = e; a.hasKey = !1; 'function' === typeof d && (a.compare = d); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.compare = function(a, b) { return a === b; }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c; try { var b = this.keySelector; c = b ? b(a) : a; } catch (k) { return this.destination.error(k); } b = !1; if (this.hasKey) try { var f = this.compare, b = f(this.key, c); } catch (k) { return this.destination.error(k); } else this.hasKey = !0; b || ((this.key = c), this.destination.next(a)); }; return a; })(l), ye = (function() { function b(a) { this.errorFactory = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new zg(a, this.errorFactory)); }; return b; })(), zg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.errorFactory = d; a.hasValue = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.hasValue = !0; this.destination.next(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { if (this.hasValue) return this.destination.complete(); var a = void 0; try { a = this.errorFactory(); } catch (d) { a = d; } this.destination.error(a); }; return a; })(l), ze = (function() { function b(a) { this.total = a; if (0 > this.total) throw new ba(); } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Ag(a, this.total)); }; return b; })(), Ag = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.total = d; a.count = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.total, b = ++this.count; b <= c && (this.destination.next(a), b === c && (this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe())); }; return a; })(l), Ae = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { this.predicate = a; this.thisArg = c; this.source = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new Bg(a, this.predicate, this.thisArg, this.source), ); }; return b; })(), Bg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.predicate = d; a.thisArg = e; a.source = f; a.index = 0; a.thisArg = e || a; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { this.destination.next(a); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = !1; try { c = this.predicate.call(this.thisArg, a, this.index++, this.source); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } c || this.notifyComplete(!1); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.notifyComplete(!0); }; return a; })(l), Be = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Cg(a)); }; return b; })(), Cg = (function(b) { function a(a) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.hasCompleted = !1; a.hasSubscription = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.hasSubscription || ((this.hasSubscription = !0), this.add(u(a, new t(this)))); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.hasCompleted = !0; this.hasSubscription || this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.hasSubscription = !1; this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(r), Ce = (function() { function b(a) { this.project = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Dg(a, this.project)); }; return b; })(), Dg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.project = d; a.hasSubscription = !1; a.hasCompleted = !1; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.hasSubscription || this.tryNext(a); }; a.prototype.tryNext = function(a) { var c, b = this.index++; try { c = this.project(a, b); } catch (f) { this.destination.error(f); return; } this.hasSubscription = !0; this._innerSub(c); }; a.prototype._innerSub = function(a) { var c = new t(this), b = this.destination; b.add(c); a = u(a, c); a !== c && b.add(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.hasCompleted = !0; this.hasSubscription || this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a) { this.destination.next(a); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(a) { this.destination.error(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.hasSubscription = !1; this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(r), De = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { this.project = a; this.concurrent = c; this.scheduler = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new Eg(a, this.project, this.concurrent, this.scheduler), ); }; return b; })(), Eg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.project = d; a.concurrent = e; a.scheduler = f; a.index = 0; a.active = 0; a.hasCompleted = !1; e < Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && (a.buffer = []); return a; } h(a, b); a.dispatch = function(a) { a.subscriber.subscribeToProjection(a.result, a.value, a.index); }; a.prototype._next = function(c) { var b = this.destination; if (b.closed) this._complete(); else { var e = this.index++; if (this.active < this.concurrent) { b.next(c); try { var f = this.project, g = f(c, e); this.scheduler ? this.destination.add( this.scheduler.schedule(a.dispatch, 0, { subscriber: this, result: g, value: c, index: e, }), ) : this.subscribeToProjection(g, c, e); } catch (v) { b.error(v); } } else this.buffer.push(c); } }; a.prototype.subscribeToProjection = function(a, b, e) { this.active++; this.destination.add(u(a, new t(this))); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { ((this.hasCompleted = !0), 0 === this.active) && this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a) { this._next(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { var a = this.buffer; this.active--; a && 0 < a.length && this._next(a.shift()); this.hasCompleted && 0 === this.active && this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(r), Ee = (function() { function b(a) { this.callback = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Fg(a, this.callback)); }; return b; })(), Fg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.add(new p(d)); return a; } h(a, b); return a; })(l), Wb = (function() { function b(a, c, b, e) { this.predicate = a; this.source = c; this.yieldIndex = b; this.thisArg = e; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new Gg(a, this.predicate, this.source, this.yieldIndex, this.thisArg), ); }; return b; })(), Gg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f, g) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.predicate = d; a.source = e; a.yieldIndex = f; a.thisArg = g; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { var c = this.destination; c.next(a); c.complete(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.predicate, b = this.thisArg, f = this.index++; try { c.call(b || this, a, f, this.source) && this.notifyComplete(this.yieldIndex ? f : a); } catch (k) { this.destination.error(k); } }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.notifyComplete(this.yieldIndex ? -1 : void 0); }; return a; })(l), Fe = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Hg(a)); }; return b; })(), Hg = (function(b) { function a() { return (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) {}; return a; })(l), Ge = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Ig(a)); }; return b; })(), Ig = (function(b) { function a(a) { return b.call(this, a) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { var c = this.destination; c.next(a); c.complete(); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.notifyComplete(!1); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.notifyComplete(!0); }; return a; })(l), He = (function() { function b(a) { this.total = a; if (0 > this.total) throw new ba(); } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Jg(a, this.total)); }; return b; })(), Jg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.total = d; a.ring = []; a.count = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.ring, b = this.total, f = this.count++; c.length < b ? c.push(a) : (c[f % b] = a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.destination, b = this.count; if (0 < b) for ( var e = this.count >= this.total ? this.total : this.count, f = this.ring, g = 0; g < e; g++ ) { var h = b++ % e; a.next(f[h]); } a.complete(); }; return a; })(l), Ie = (function() { function b(a) { this.value = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Kg(a, this.value)); }; return b; })(), Kg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.value = d; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.destination.next(this.value); }; return a; })(l), Je = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Lg(a)); }; return b; })(), Lg = (function(b) { function a(a) { return b.call(this, a) || this; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.destination.next(x.createNext(a)); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { var c = this.destination; c.next(x.createError(a)); c.complete(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.destination; a.next(x.createComplete()); a.complete(); }; return a; })(l), Ke = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { this.accumulator = a; this.seed = c; this.concurrent = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new Mg(a, this.accumulator, this.seed, this.concurrent), ); }; return b; })(), Mg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.accumulator = d; a.acc = e; a.concurrent = f; a.hasValue = !1; a.hasCompleted = !1; a.buffer = []; a.active = 0; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { if (this.active < this.concurrent) { var c = this.index++, b = this.destination, f = void 0; try { var g = this.accumulator, f = g(this.acc, a, c); } catch (v) { return b.error(v); } this.active++; this._innerSub(f); } else this.buffer.push(a); }; a.prototype._innerSub = function(a) { var c = new t(this), b = this.destination; b.add(c); a = u(a, c); a !== c && b.add(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.hasCompleted = !0; 0 === this.active && 0 === this.buffer.length && (!1 === this.hasValue && this.destination.next(this.acc), this.destination.complete()); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a) { var c = this.destination; this.acc = a; this.hasValue = !0; c.next(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { var a = this.buffer; this.active--; 0 < a.length ? this._next(a.shift()) : 0 === this.active && this.hasCompleted && (!1 === this.hasValue && this.destination.next(this.acc), this.destination.complete()); }; return a; })(r), Le = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.subjectFactory = a; this.selector = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { var b = this.selector, e = this.subjectFactory(); a = b(e).subscribe(a); a.add(c.subscribe(e)); return a; }; return b; })(), Ne = (function() { function b(a) { this.nextSources = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Ng(a, this.nextSources)); }; return b; })(), Ng = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { var c = b.call(this, a) || this; c.destination = a; c.nextSources = d; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyError = function() { this.subscribeToNextSource(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.subscribeToNextSource(); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { this.subscribeToNextSource(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.subscribeToNextSource(); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.subscribeToNextSource = function() { var a = this.nextSources.shift(); if (a) { var b = new t(this), e = this.destination; e.add(b); a = u(a, b); a !== b && e.add(a); } else this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(r), Oe = (function() { function b() {} b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Og(a)); }; return b; })(), Og = (function(b) { function a(a) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.hasPrev = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c; this.hasPrev ? (c = [this.prev, a]) : (this.hasPrev = !0); this.prev = a; c && this.destination.next(c); }; return a; })(l), sc = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.count = a; this.source = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Pg(a, this.count, this.source)); }; return b; })(), Pg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.count = d; a.source = e; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.complete = function() { if (!this.isStopped) { var a = this.source, d = this.count; if (0 === d) return b.prototype.complete.call(this); -1 < d && (this.count = d - 1); a.subscribe(this._unsubscribeAndRecycle()); } }; return a; })(l), Qe = (function() { function b(a) { this.notifier = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Qg(a, this.notifier, c)); }; return b; })(), Qg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.notifier = d; a.source = e; a.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo = !0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo = !0; this.source.subscribe(this); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { if (!1 === this.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo) return b.prototype.complete.call(this); }; a.prototype.complete = function() { this.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo = !1; if (!this.isStopped) { this.retries || this.subscribeToRetries(); if (!this.retriesSubscription || this.retriesSubscription.closed) return b.prototype.complete.call(this); this._unsubscribeAndRecycle(); this.notifications.next(void 0); } }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var a = this.notifications, b = this.retriesSubscription; a && (a.unsubscribe(), (this.notifications = void 0)); b && (b.unsubscribe(), (this.retriesSubscription = void 0)); this.retries = void 0; }; a.prototype._unsubscribeAndRecycle = function() { var a = this._unsubscribe; this._unsubscribe = null; b.prototype._unsubscribeAndRecycle.call(this); this._unsubscribe = a; return this; }; a.prototype.subscribeToRetries = function() { this.notifications = new w(); var a; try { var d = this.notifier; a = d(this.notifications); } catch (e) { return b.prototype.complete.call(this); } this.retries = a; this.retriesSubscription = u(a, new t(this)); }; return a; })(r), Re = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.count = a; this.source = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Rg(a, this.count, this.source)); }; return b; })(), Rg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.count = d; a.source = e; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.error = function(a) { if (!this.isStopped) { var c = this.source, e = this.count; if (0 === e) return b.prototype.error.call(this, a); -1 < e && (this.count = e - 1); c.subscribe(this._unsubscribeAndRecycle()); } }; return a; })(l), Se = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.notifier = a; this.source = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Sg(a, this.notifier, this.source)); }; return b; })(), Sg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.notifier = d; a.source = e; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.error = function(a) { if (!this.isStopped) { var c = this.errors, e = this.retries, f = this.retriesSubscription; if (e) this.retriesSubscription = this.errors = void 0; else { c = new w(); try { var g = this.notifier, e = g(c); } catch (v) { return b.prototype.error.call(this, v); } f = u(e, new t(this)); } this._unsubscribeAndRecycle(); this.errors = c; this.retries = e; this.retriesSubscription = f; c.next(a); } }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var a = this.errors, b = this.retriesSubscription; a && (a.unsubscribe(), (this.errors = void 0)); b && (b.unsubscribe(), (this.retriesSubscription = void 0)); this.retries = void 0; }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { var a = this._unsubscribe; this._unsubscribe = null; this._unsubscribeAndRecycle(); this._unsubscribe = a; this.source.subscribe(this); }; return a; })(r), Te = (function() { function b(a) { this.notifier = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { a = new Tg(a); c = c.subscribe(a); c.add(u(this.notifier, new t(a))); return c; }; return b; })(), Tg = (function(b) { function a() { var a = (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; a.hasValue = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.value = a; this.hasValue = !0; }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.emitValue(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.emitValue(); }; a.prototype.emitValue = function() { this.hasValue && ((this.hasValue = !1), this.destination.next(this.value)); }; return a; })(r), Ue = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.period = a; this.scheduler = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Ug(a, this.period, this.scheduler)); }; return b; })(), Ug = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.period = d; a.scheduler = e; a.hasValue = !1; a.add(e.schedule(Ve, d, { subscriber: a, period: d })); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.lastValue = a; this.hasValue = !0; }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.hasValue && ((this.hasValue = !1), this.destination.next(this.lastValue)); }; return a; })(l), We = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.compareTo = a; this.comparator = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Vg(a, this.compareTo, this.comparator)); }; return b; })(), Vg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { var c = b.call(this, a) || this; c.compareTo = d; c.comparator = e; c._a = []; c._b = []; c._oneComplete = !1; c.destination.add(d.subscribe(new Wg(a, c))); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this._oneComplete && 0 === this._b.length ? this.emit(!1) : (this._a.push(a), this.checkValues()); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this._oneComplete ? this.emit(0 === this._a.length && 0 === this._b.length) : (this._oneComplete = !0); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.checkValues = function() { for ( var a = this._a, b = this._b, e = this.comparator; 0 < a.length && 0 < b.length; ) { var f = a.shift(), g = b.shift(), h = !1; try { h = e ? e(f, g) : f === g; } catch (n) { this.destination.error(n); } h || this.emit(!1); } }; a.prototype.emit = function(a) { var c = this.destination; c.next(a); c.complete(); }; a.prototype.nextB = function(a) { this._oneComplete && 0 === this._a.length ? this.emit(!1) : (this._b.push(a), this.checkValues()); }; a.prototype.completeB = function() { this._oneComplete ? this.emit(0 === this._a.length && 0 === this._b.length) : (this._oneComplete = !0); }; return a; })(l), Wg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.parent = d; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.parent.nextB(a); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { this.parent.error(a); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.parent.completeB(); this.unsubscribe(); }; return a; })(l), Ze = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.predicate = a; this.source = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Xg(a, this.predicate, this.source)); }; return b; })(), Xg = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.predicate = d; a.source = e; a.seenValue = !1; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.applySingleValue = function(a) { this.seenValue ? this.destination.error('Sequence contains more than one element') : ((this.seenValue = !0), (this.singleValue = a)); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.index++; this.predicate ? this.tryNext(a, c) : this.applySingleValue(a); }; a.prototype.tryNext = function(a, b) { try { this.predicate(a, b, this.source) && this.applySingleValue(a); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); } }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.destination; 0 < this.index ? (a.next(this.seenValue ? this.singleValue : void 0), a.complete()) : a.error(new ja()); }; return a; })(l), $e = (function() { function b(a) { this.total = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new Yg(a, this.total)); }; return b; })(), Yg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.total = d; a.count = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { ++this.count > this.total && this.destination.next(a); }; return a; })(l), af = (function() { function b(a) { this._skipCount = a; if (0 > this._skipCount) throw new ba(); } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return 0 === this._skipCount ? c.subscribe(new l(a)) : c.subscribe(new Zg(a, this._skipCount)); }; return b; })(), Zg = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a._skipCount = d; a._count = 0; a._ring = Array(d); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this._skipCount, b = this._count++; if (b < c) this._ring[b] = a; else { var c = b % c, b = this._ring, f = b[c]; b[c] = a; this.destination.next(f); } }; return a; })(l), bf = (function() { function b(a) { this.notifier = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new $g(a, this.notifier)); }; return b; })(), $g = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.hasValue = !1; var c = new t(a); a.add(c); a.innerSubscription = c; d = u(d, c); d !== c && (a.add(d), (a.innerSubscription = d)); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.hasValue && b.prototype._next.call(this, a); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.hasValue = !0; this.innerSubscription && this.innerSubscription.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() {}; return a; })(r), cf = (function() { function b(a) { this.predicate = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new ah(a, this.predicate)); }; return b; })(), ah = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.predicate = d; a.skipping = !0; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.destination; this.skipping && this.tryCallPredicate(a); this.skipping || c.next(a); }; a.prototype.tryCallPredicate = function(a) { try { this.skipping = !!this.predicate(a, this.index++); } catch (d) { this.destination.error(d); } }; return a; })(l), df = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.scheduler = a; this.delay = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return new ag(c, this.delay, this.scheduler).subscribe(a); }; return b; })(), ef = (function() { function b(a) { this.project = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new bh(a, this.project)); }; return b; })(), bh = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.project = d; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c, b = this.index++; try { c = this.project(a, b); } catch (f) { this.destination.error(f); return; } this._innerSub(c); }; a.prototype._innerSub = function(a) { var c = this.innerSubscription; c && c.unsubscribe(); var c = new t(this), b = this.destination; b.add(c); this.innerSubscription = u(a, c); this.innerSubscription !== c && b.add(this.innerSubscription); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.innerSubscription; (a && !a.closed) || b.prototype._complete.call(this); this.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { this.innerSubscription = void 0; }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this.innerSubscription = void 0; this.isStopped && b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a) { this.destination.next(a); }; return a; })(r), ff = (function() { function b(a) { this.notifier = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { a = new ch(a); var b = u(this.notifier, new t(a)); return b && !a.seenValue ? (a.add(b), c.subscribe(a)) : a; }; return b; })(), ch = (function(b) { function a(a) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.seenValue = !1; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.seenValue = !0; this.complete(); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() {}; return a; })(r), gf = (function() { function b(a, c) { this.predicate = a; this.inclusive = c; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe(new dh(a, this.predicate, this.inclusive)); }; return b; })(), dh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.predicate = d; a.inclusive = e; a.index = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var c = this.destination, b; try { b = this.predicate(a, this.index++); } catch (f) { c.error(f); return; } this.nextOrComplete(a, b); }; a.prototype.nextOrComplete = function(a, b) { var c = this.destination; b ? c.next(a) : (this.inclusive && c.next(a), c.complete()); }; return a; })(l), hf = (function() { function b(a, c, b) { this.nextOrObserver = a; this.error = c; this.complete = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, c) { return c.subscribe( new eh(a, this.nextOrObserver, this.error, this.complete), ); }; return b; })(), eh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a._tapNext = H; a._tapError = H; a._tapComplete = H; a._tapError = e || H; a._tapComplete = f || H; T(d) ? ((a._context = a), (a._tapNext = d)) : d && ((a._context = d), (a._tapNext = d.next || H), (a._tapError = d.error || H), (a._tapComplete = d.complete || H)); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { try { this._tapNext.call(this._context, a); } catch (d) { this.destination.error(d); return; } this.destination.next(a); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { try { this._tapError.call(this._context, a); } catch (d) { this.destination.error(d); return; } this.destination.error(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { try { this._tapComplete.call(this._context); } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return; } return this.destination.complete(); }; return a; })(l), jf = (function() { function b(a, c, b, e) { this.duration = a; this.scheduler = c; this.leading = b; this.trailing = e; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe( new fh(a, this.duration, this.scheduler, this.leading, this.trailing), ); }; return b; })(), fh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f, g) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.duration = d; a.scheduler = e; a.leading = f; a.trailing = g; a._hasTrailingValue = !1; a._trailingValue = null; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.throttled ? this.trailing && ((this._trailingValue = a), (this._hasTrailingValue = !0)) : (this.add( (this.throttled = this.scheduler.schedule(kf, this.duration, { subscriber: this, })), ), this.leading ? this.destination.next(a) : this.trailing && ((this._trailingValue = a), (this._hasTrailingValue = !0))); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this._hasTrailingValue && this.destination.next(this._trailingValue); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.clearThrottle = function() { var a = this.throttled; a && (this.trailing && this._hasTrailingValue && (this.destination.next(this._trailingValue), (this._trailingValue = null), (this._hasTrailingValue = !1)), a.unsubscribe(), this.remove(a), (this.throttled = null)); }; return a; })(l), lf = (function() { function b(a, b, d, e) { this.waitFor = a; this.absoluteTimeout = b; this.withObservable = d; this.scheduler = e; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe( new gh( a, this.absoluteTimeout, this.waitFor, this.withObservable, this.scheduler, ), ); }; return b; })(), gh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f, g) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.absoluteTimeout = d; a.waitFor = e; a.withObservable = f; a.scheduler = g; a.scheduleTimeout(); return a; } h(a, b); a.dispatchTimeout = function(a) { var b = a.withObservable; a._unsubscribeAndRecycle(); a.add(u(b, new t(a))); }; a.prototype.scheduleTimeout = function() { var b = this.action; b ? (this.action = b.schedule(this, this.waitFor)) : this.add( (this.action = this.scheduler.schedule( a.dispatchTimeout, this.waitFor, this, )), ); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.absoluteTimeout || this.scheduleTimeout(); b.prototype._next.call(this, a); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { this.action = void 0; this.withObservable = this.scheduler = null; }; return a; })(r), nf = (function() { function b(a) { this.windowBoundaries = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { a = new hh(a); b = b.subscribe(a); b.closed || a.add(u(this.windowBoundaries, new t(a))); return b; }; return b; })(), hh = (function(b) { function a(a) { var c = b.call(this, a) || this; c.window = new w(); a.next(c.window); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function() { this.openWindow(); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(a) { this._error(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() { this._complete(); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.window.next(a); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { this.window.error(a); this.destination.error(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.window.complete(); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { this.window = null; }; a.prototype.openWindow = function() { var a = this.window; a && a.complete(); var a = this.destination, b = (this.window = new w()); a.next(b); }; return a; })(r), of = (function() { function b(a, b) { this.windowSize = a; this.startWindowEvery = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new ih(a, this.windowSize, this.startWindowEvery)); }; return b; })(), ih = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { var c = b.call(this, a) || this; c.destination = a; c.windowSize = d; c.startWindowEvery = e; c.windows = [new w()]; c.count = 0; a.next(c.windows[0]); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { for ( var b = 0 < this.startWindowEvery ? this.startWindowEvery : this.windowSize, c = this.destination, f = this.windowSize, g = this.windows, h = g.length, l = 0; l < h && !this.closed; l++ ) g[l].next(a); a = this.count - f + 1; 0 <= a && 0 === a % b && !this.closed && g.shift().complete(); 0 !== ++this.count % b || this.closed || ((b = new w()), g.push(b), c.next(b)); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { var b = this.windows; if (b) for (; 0 < b.length && !this.closed; ) b.shift().error(a); this.destination.error(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.windows; if (a) for (; 0 < a.length && !this.closed; ) a.shift().complete(); this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { this.count = 0; this.windows = null; }; return a; })(l), pf = (function() { function b(a, b, d, e) { this.windowTimeSpan = a; this.windowCreationInterval = b; this.maxWindowSize = d; this.scheduler = e; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe( new jh( a, this.windowTimeSpan, this.windowCreationInterval, this.maxWindowSize, this.scheduler, ), ); }; return b; })(), kh = (function(b) { function a() { var a = (null !== b && b.apply(this, arguments)) || this; a._numberOfNextedValues = 0; return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.next = function(a) { this._numberOfNextedValues++; b.prototype.next.call(this, a); }; Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, 'numberOfNextedValues', { get: function() { return this._numberOfNextedValues; }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }); return a; })(w), jh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e, f, g) { var c = b.call(this, a) || this; c.destination = a; c.windowTimeSpan = d; c.windowCreationInterval = e; c.maxWindowSize = f; c.scheduler = g; c.windows = []; a = c.openWindow(); null !== e && 0 <= e ? ((f = { windowTimeSpan: d, windowCreationInterval: e, subscriber: c, scheduler: g, }), c.add( g.schedule(Tc, d, { subscriber: c, window: a, context: null }), ), c.add(g.schedule(rf, e, f))) : c.add( g.schedule(qf, d, { subscriber: c, window: a, windowTimeSpan: d, }), ); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { for (var b = this.windows, c = b.length, f = 0; f < c; f++) { var g = b[f]; g.closed || (g.next(a), g.numberOfNextedValues >= this.maxWindowSize && this.closeWindow(g)); } }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { for (var b = this.windows; 0 < b.length; ) b.shift().error(a); this.destination.error(a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { for (var a = this.windows; 0 < a.length; ) { var b = a.shift(); b.closed || b.complete(); } this.destination.complete(); }; a.prototype.openWindow = function() { var a = new kh(); this.windows.push(a); this.destination.next(a); return a; }; a.prototype.closeWindow = function(a) { a.complete(); var b = this.windows; b.splice(b.indexOf(a), 1); }; return a; })(l), sf = (function() { function b(a, b) { this.openings = a; this.closingSelector = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new lh(a, this.openings, this.closingSelector)); }; return b; })(), lh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.openings = d; a.closingSelector = e; a.contexts = []; a.add((a.openSubscription = I(a, d, d))); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype._next = function(a) { var b = this.contexts; if (b) for (var c = b.length, f = 0; f < c; f++) b[f].window.next(a); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { var c = this.contexts; this.contexts = null; if (c) for (var e = c.length, f = -1; ++f < e; ) { var g = c[f]; g.window.error(a); g.subscription.unsubscribe(); } b.prototype._error.call(this, a); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { var a = this.contexts; this.contexts = null; if (a) for (var d = a.length, e = -1; ++e < d; ) { var f = a[e]; f.window.complete(); f.subscription.unsubscribe(); } b.prototype._complete.call(this); }; a.prototype._unsubscribe = function() { var a = this.contexts; this.contexts = null; if (a) for (var b = a.length, e = -1; ++e < b; ) { var f = a[e]; f.window.unsubscribe(); f.subscription.unsubscribe(); } }; a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a, b, e, f, g) { if (a === this.openings) { a = void 0; try { var c = this.closingSelector; a = c(b); } catch (n) { return this.error(n); } b = new w(); c = new p(); e = { window: b, subscription: c }; this.contexts.push(e); a = I(this, a, e); a.closed ? this.closeWindow(this.contexts.length - 1) : ((a.context = e), c.add(a)); this.destination.next(b); } else this.closeWindow(this.contexts.indexOf(a)); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(a) { this.error(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { a !== this.openSubscription && this.closeWindow(this.contexts.indexOf(a.context)); }; a.prototype.closeWindow = function(a) { if (-1 !== a) { var b = this.contexts, c = b[a], f = c.window, c = c.subscription; b.splice(a, 1); f.complete(); c.unsubscribe(); } }; return a; })(S), tf = (function() { function b(a) { this.closingSelector = a; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new mh(a, this.closingSelector)); }; return b; })(), mh = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { var c = b.call(this, a) || this; c.destination = a; c.closingSelector = d; c.openWindow(); return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a, b, e, f, g) { this.openWindow(g); }; a.prototype.notifyError = function(a) { this._error(a); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function(a) { this.openWindow(a); }; a.prototype._next = function(a) { this.window.next(a); }; a.prototype._error = function(a) { this.window.error(a); this.destination.error(a); this.unsubscribeClosingNotification(); }; a.prototype._complete = function() { this.window.complete(); this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribeClosingNotification(); }; a.prototype.unsubscribeClosingNotification = function() { this.closingNotification && this.closingNotification.unsubscribe(); }; a.prototype.openWindow = function(a) { void 0 === a && (a = null); a && (this.remove(a), a.unsubscribe()); (a = this.window) && a.complete(); a = this.window = new w(); this.destination.next(a); var b; try { var c = this.closingSelector; b = c(); } catch (f) { this.destination.error(f); this.window.error(f); return; } this.add((this.closingNotification = I(this, b))); }; return a; })(S), uf = (function() { function b(a, b) { this.observables = a; this.project = b; } b.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new nh(a, this.observables, this.project)); }; return b; })(), nh = (function(b) { function a(a, d, e) { a = b.call(this, a) || this; a.observables = d; a.project = e; a.toRespond = []; e = d.length; a.values = Array(e); for (var c = 0; c < e; c++) a.toRespond.push(c); for (c = 0; c < e; c++) a.add(I(a, d[c], void 0, c)); return a; } h(a, b); a.prototype.notifyNext = function(a, b, e) { this.values[e] = b; a = this.toRespond; 0 < a.length && ((e = a.indexOf(e)), -1 !== e && a.splice(e, 1)); }; a.prototype.notifyComplete = function() {}; a.prototype._next = function(a) { 0 === this.toRespond.length && ((a = [a].concat(this.values)), this.project ? this._tryProject(a) : this.destination.next(a)); }; a.prototype._tryProject = function(a) { var b; try { b = this.project.apply(this, a); } catch (e) { this.destination.error(e); return; } this.destination.next(b); }; return a; })(S), oh = Object.freeze({ audit: La, auditTime: wb, buffer: xb, bufferCount: yb, bufferTime: zb, bufferToggle: Cb, bufferWhen: Db, catchError: Eb, combineAll: Fb, combineLatest: function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; var c = null; 'function' === typeof b[b.length - 1] && (c = b.pop()); 1 === b.length && z(b[0]) && (b = b[0].slice()); return function(a) { return a.lift.call(G([a].concat(b)), new ta(c)); }; }, concat: function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return function(a) { return a.lift.call(Y.apply(void 0, [a].concat(b))); }; }, concatAll: Ga, concatMap: Ma, concatMapTo: Gb, count: Hb, debounce: Ib, debounceTime: Jb, defaultIfEmpty: aa, delay: Kb, delayWhen: Lb, dematerialize: Nb, distinct: Ob, distinctUntilChanged: Na, distinctUntilKeyChanged: Pb, elementAt: Qb, endWith: function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return function(a) { return Y(a, ia.apply(void 0, b)); }; }, every: Rb, exhaust: Sb, exhaustMap: Oa, expand: Tb, filter: P, finalize: Ub, find: Vb, findIndex: Xb, first: Yb, groupBy: Za, ignoreElements: Zb, isEmpty: $b, last: ac, map: A, mapTo: bc, materialize: cc, max: dc, merge: function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return function(a) { return a.lift.call(Ia.apply(void 0, [a].concat(b))); }; }, mergeAll: qa, mergeMap: J, flatMap: J, mergeMapTo: ec, mergeScan: fc, min: gc, multicast: L, observeOn: ab, onErrorResumeNext: hc, pairwise: ic, partition: jc, pluck: kc, publish: lc, publishBehavior: mc, publishLast: oc, publishReplay: pc, race: qc, reduce: ca, repeat: rc, repeatWhen: tc, retry: uc, retryWhen: vc, refCount: Ca, sample: wc, sampleTime: xc, scan: Z, sequenceEqual: yc, share: zc, shareReplay: Pa, single: Ac, skip: Bc, skipLast: Cc, skipUntil: Dc, skipWhile: Ec, startWith: Fc, subscribeOn: Gc, switchAll: Hc, switchMap: ea, switchMapTo: Ic, take: va, takeLast: ka, takeUntil: Jc, takeWhile: Kc, tap: Lc, throttle: ub, throttleTime: Mc, throwIfEmpty: ua, timeInterval: sb, timeout: Nc, timeoutWith: Qa, timestamp: qb, toArray: Pc, window: Qc, windowCount: Rc, windowTime: Sc, windowToggle: Uc, windowWhen: Vc, withLatestFrom: Wc, zip: function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return function(a) { return a.lift.call(Ka.apply(void 0, [a].concat(b))); }; }, zipAll: Xc, }); g.prototype.buffer = function(b) { return xb(b)(this); }; g.prototype.bufferCount = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = null); return yb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.bufferTime = function(b) { var a = arguments.length, c = D; y(arguments[arguments.length - 1]) && ((c = arguments[arguments.length - 1]), a--); var d = null; 2 <= a && (d = arguments[1]); var e = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 3 <= a && (e = arguments[2]); return zb(b, d, e, c)(this); }; g.prototype.bufferToggle = function(b, a) { return Cb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.bufferWhen = function(b) { return Db(b)(this); }; g.prototype.catch = Yc; g.prototype._catch = Yc; g.prototype.combineAll = function(b) { return Fb(b)(this); }; g.prototype.combineLatest = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; a = null; 'function' === typeof b[b.length - 1] && (a = b.pop()); 1 === b.length && z(b[0]) && (b = b[0].slice()); return this.lift.call(ia.apply(void 0, [this].concat(b)), new ta(a)); }; g.prototype.concat = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return this.lift.call(Y.apply(void 0, [this].concat(b))); }; g.prototype.concatAll = function() { return Ga()(this); }; g.prototype.concatMap = function(b) { return Ma(b)(this); }; g.prototype.concatMapTo = function(b) { return Gb(b)(this); }; g.prototype.count = function(b) { return Hb(b)(this); }; g.prototype.dematerialize = function() { return Nb()(this); }; g.prototype.debounce = function(b) { return Ib(b)(this); }; g.prototype.debounceTime = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = D); return Jb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.defaultIfEmpty = function(b) { void 0 === b && (b = null); return aa(b)(this); }; g.prototype.delay = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = D); return Kb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.delayWhen = function(b, a) { return Lb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.distinct = function(b, a) { return Ob(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.distinctUntilChanged = function(b, a) { return Na(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.distinctUntilKeyChanged = function(b, a) { return Pb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.do = Zc; g.prototype._do = Zc; g.prototype.exhaust = function() { return Sb()(this); }; g.prototype.exhaustMap = function(b) { return Oa(b)(this); }; g.prototype.expand = function(b, a, c) { void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); void 0 === c && (c = void 0); a = 1 > (a || 0) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : a; return Tb(b, a, c)(this); }; g.prototype.elementAt = function(b, a) { return Qb.apply(void 0, arguments)(this); }; g.prototype.filter = function(b, a) { return P(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.finally = $c; g.prototype._finally = $c; g.prototype.find = function(b, a) { return Vb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.findIndex = function(b, a) { return Xb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.first = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return Yb.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.groupBy = function(b, a, c, d) { return Za(b, a, c, d)(this); }; g.prototype.ignoreElements = function() { return Zb()(this); }; g.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return $b()(this); }; g.prototype.audit = function(b) { return La(b)(this); }; g.prototype.auditTime = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = D); return wb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.last = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return ac.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.let = ad; g.prototype.letBind = ad; g.prototype.every = function(b, a) { return Rb(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.map = function(b, a) { return A(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.mapTo = function(b) { return bc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.materialize = function() { return cc()(this); }; g.prototype.max = function(b) { return dc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.merge = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return this.lift.call(Ia.apply(void 0, [this].concat(b))); }; g.prototype.mergeAll = function(b) { void 0 === b && (b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return qa(b)(this); }; g.prototype.mergeMap = bd; g.prototype.flatMap = bd; g.prototype.flatMapTo = cd; g.prototype.mergeMapTo = cd; g.prototype.mergeScan = function(b, a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); return fc(b, a, c)(this); }; g.prototype.min = function(b) { return gc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.multicast = function(b, a) { return L(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.observeOn = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); return ab(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.onErrorResumeNext = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return hc.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.pairwise = function() { return ic()(this); }; g.prototype.partition = function(b, a) { return jc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.pluck = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return kc.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.publish = function(b) { return lc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.publishBehavior = function(b) { return mc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.publishReplay = function(b, a, c, d) { return pc(b, a, c, d)(this); }; g.prototype.publishLast = function() { return oc()(this); }; g.prototype.race = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return qc.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.reduce = function(b, a) { return 2 <= arguments.length ? ca(b, a)(this) : ca(b)(this); }; g.prototype.repeat = function(b) { void 0 === b && (b = -1); return rc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.repeatWhen = function(b) { return tc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.retry = function(b) { void 0 === b && (b = -1); return uc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.retryWhen = function(b) { return vc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.sample = function(b) { return wc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.sampleTime = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = D); return xc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.scan = function(b, a) { return 2 <= arguments.length ? Z(b, a)(this) : Z(b)(this); }; g.prototype.sequenceEqual = function(b, a) { return yc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.share = function() { return zc()(this); }; g.prototype.shareReplay = function(b, a, c) { return b && 'object' === typeof b ? Pa(b)(this) : Pa(b, a, c)(this); }; g.prototype.single = function(b) { return Ac(b)(this); }; g.prototype.skip = function(b) { return Bc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.skipLast = function(b) { return Cc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.skipUntil = function(b) { return Dc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.skipWhile = function(b) { return Ec(b)(this); }; g.prototype.startWith = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return Fc.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.subscribeOn = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); return Gc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.switch = dd; g.prototype._switch = dd; g.prototype.switchMap = function(b) { return ea(b)(this); }; g.prototype.switchMapTo = function(b) { return Ic(b)(this); }; g.prototype.take = function(b) { return va(b)(this); }; g.prototype.takeLast = function(b) { return ka(b)(this); }; g.prototype.takeUntil = function(b) { return Jc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.takeWhile = function(b) { return Kc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.throttle = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = sa); return ub(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.throttleTime = function(b, a, c) { void 0 === a && (a = D); void 0 === c && (c = sa); return Mc(b, a, c)(this); }; g.prototype.timeInterval = function(b) { void 0 === b && (b = D); return sb(b)(this); }; g.prototype.timeout = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = D); return Nc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.timeoutWith = function(b, a, c) { void 0 === c && (c = D); return Qa(b, a, c)(this); }; g.prototype.timestamp = function(b) { void 0 === b && (b = D); return qb(b)(this); }; g.prototype.toArray = function() { return Pc()(this); }; g.prototype.window = function(b) { return Qc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.windowCount = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); return Rc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.windowTime = function(b, a, c, d) { var e = D, f = null, g = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; y(d) && (e = d); y(c) ? (e = c) : K(c) && (g = Number(c)); y(a) ? (e = a) : K(a) && (f = Number(a)); return Sc(b, f, g, e)(this); }; g.prototype.windowToggle = function(b, a) { return Uc(b, a)(this); }; g.prototype.windowWhen = function(b) { return Vc(b)(this); }; g.prototype.withLatestFrom = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return Wc.apply(void 0, b)(this); }; g.prototype.zip = function() { for (var b = [], a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) b[a] = arguments[a]; return this.lift.call(Ka.apply(void 0, [this].concat(b))); }; g.prototype.zipAll = function(b) { return Xc(b)(this); }; var oa = (function() { return function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); this.subscribedFrame = b; this.unsubscribedFrame = a; }; })(), sd = (function() { function b() { this.subscriptions = []; } b.prototype.logSubscribedFrame = function() { this.subscriptions.push(new oa(this.scheduler.now())); return this.subscriptions.length - 1; }; b.prototype.logUnsubscribedFrame = function(a) { var b = this.subscriptions; b[a] = new oa(b[a].subscribedFrame, this.scheduler.now()); }; return b; })(), Va = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { var c = b.call(this, function(a) { var b = this, c = b.logSubscribedFrame(), d = new p(); d.add( new p(function() { b.logUnsubscribedFrame(c); }), ); b.scheduleMessages(a); return d; }) || this; c.messages = a; c.subscriptions = []; c.scheduler = d; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype.scheduleMessages = function(a) { for (var b = this.messages.length, c = 0; c < b; c++) { var f = this.messages[c]; a.add( this.scheduler.schedule( function(a) { a.message.notification.observe(a.subscriber); }, f.frame, { message: f, subscriber: a }, ), ); } }; return a; })(g); vb(Va, [sd]); var td = (function(b) { function a(a, d) { var c = b.call(this) || this; c.messages = a; c.subscriptions = []; c.scheduler = d; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype._subscribe = function(a) { var c = this, e = c.logSubscribedFrame(), f = new p(); f.add( new p(function() { c.logUnsubscribedFrame(e); }), ); f.add(b.prototype._subscribe.call(this, a)); return f; }; a.prototype.setup = function() { for (var a = this, b = a.messages.length, e = 0; e < b; e++) (function() { var b = a.messages[e]; a.scheduler.schedule(function() { b.notification.observe(a); }, b.frame); })(); }; return a; })(w); vb(td, [sd]); var ud = (function(b) { function a(a) { var c = b.call(this, od, 750) || this; c.assertDeepEqual = a; c.hotObservables = []; c.coldObservables = []; c.flushTests = []; c.runMode = !1; return c; } h(a, b); a.prototype.createTime = function(b) { b = b.indexOf('|'); if (-1 === b) throw Error( 'marble diagram for time should have a completion marker "|"', ); return b * a.frameTimeFactor; }; a.prototype.createColdObservable = function(b, d, e) { if (-1 !== b.indexOf('^')) throw Error('cold observable cannot have subscription offset "^"'); if (-1 !== b.indexOf('!')) throw Error('cold observable cannot have unsubscription marker "!"'); b = a.parseMarbles(b, d, e, void 0, this.runMode); b = new Va(b, this); this.coldObservables.push(b); return b; }; a.prototype.createHotObservable = function(b, d, e) { if (-1 !== b.indexOf('!')) throw Error('hot observable cannot have unsubscription marker "!"'); b = a.parseMarbles(b, d, e, void 0, this.runMode); b = new td(b, this); this.hotObservables.push(b); return b; }; a.prototype.materializeInnerObservable = function(a, b) { var c = this, d = []; a.subscribe( function(a) { d.push({ frame: c.frame - b, notification: x.createNext(a) }); }, function(a) { d.push({ frame: c.frame - b, notification: x.createError(a) }); }, function() { d.push({ frame: c.frame - b, notification: x.createComplete() }); }, ); return d; }; a.prototype.expectObservable = function(b, d) { var c = this; void 0 === d && (d = null); var f = [], h = { actual: f, ready: !1 }; d = a.parseMarblesAsSubscriptions(d, this.runMode); var l = d.unsubscribedFrame, n; this.schedule( function() { n = b.subscribe( function(a) { var b = a; a instanceof g && (b = c.materializeInnerObservable(b, c.frame)); f.push({ frame: c.frame, notification: x.createNext(b) }); }, function(a) { f.push({ frame: c.frame, notification: x.createError(a) }); }, function() { f.push({ frame: c.frame, notification: x.createComplete() }); }, ); }, d.subscribedFrame === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : d.subscribedFrame, ); l !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && this.schedule(function() { return n.unsubscribe(); }, l); this.flushTests.push(h); var m = this.runMode; return { toBe: function(b, c, d) { h.ready = !0; h.expected = a.parseMarbles(b, c, d, !0, m); }, }; }; a.prototype.expectSubscriptions = function(b) { var c = { actual: b, ready: !1 }; this.flushTests.push(c); var e = this.runMode; return { toBe: function(b) { b = 'string' === typeof b ? [b] : b; c.ready = !0; c.expected = b.map(function(b) { return a.parseMarblesAsSubscriptions(b, e); }); }, }; }; a.prototype.flush = function() { for (var a = this, d = this.hotObservables; 0 < d.length; ) d.shift().setup(); b.prototype.flush.call(this); this.flushTests = this.flushTests.filter(function(b) { return b.ready ? (a.assertDeepEqual(b.actual, b.expected), !1) : !0; }); }; a.parseMarblesAsSubscriptions = function(a, b) { var c = this; void 0 === b && (b = !1); if ('string' !== typeof a) return new oa(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); for ( var d = a.length, g = -1, h = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, l = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, m = 0, q = function(d) { var e = m, f = function(a) { e += a * c.frameTimeFactor; }, k = a[d]; switch (k) { case ' ': b || f(1); break; case '-': f(1); break; case '(': g = m; f(1); break; case ')': g = -1; f(1); break; case '^': if (h !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) throw Error( "found a second subscription point '^' in a subscription marble diagram. There can only be one.", ); h = -1 < g ? g : m; f(1); break; case '!': if (l !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) throw Error( "found a second subscription point '^' in a subscription marble diagram. There can only be one.", ); l = -1 < g ? g : m; break; default: if ( b && k.match(/^[0-9]$/) && (0 === d || ' ' === a[d - 1]) ) { var n = a.slice(d).match(/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(ms|s|m) /); if (n) { d += n[0].length - 1; var k = parseFloat(n[1]), q = void 0; switch (n[2]) { case 'ms': q = k; break; case 's': q = 1e3 * k; break; case 'm': q = 6e4 * k; } f(q / p.frameTimeFactor); break; } } throw Error( "there can only be '^' and '!' markers in a subscription marble diagram. Found instead '" + k + "'.", ); } m = e; u = d; }, p = this, u, t = 0; t < d; t++ ) q(t), (t = u); return 0 > l ? new oa(h) : new oa(h, l); }; a.parseMarbles = function(a, b, e, f, g) { var c = this; void 0 === f && (f = !1); void 0 === g && (g = !1); if (-1 !== a.indexOf('!')) throw Error( 'conventional marble diagrams cannot have the unsubscription marker "!"', ); for ( var d = a.length, h = [], k = g ? a.replace(/^[ ]+/, '').indexOf('^') : a.indexOf('^'), l = -1 === k ? 0 : k * -this.frameTimeFactor, m = 'object' !== typeof b ? function(a) { return a; } : function(a) { return f && b[a] instanceof Va ? b[a].messages : b[a]; }, p = -1, k = function(b) { var d = l, f = function(a) { d += a * c.frameTimeFactor; }, k = void 0, n = a[b]; switch (n) { case ' ': g || f(1); break; case '-': f(1); break; case '(': p = l; f(1); break; case ')': p = -1; f(1); break; case '|': k = x.createComplete(); f(1); break; case '^': f(1); break; case '#': k = x.createError(e || 'error'); f(1); break; default: if ( g && n.match(/^[0-9]$/) && (0 === b || ' ' === a[b - 1]) ) { var q = a.slice(b).match(/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(ms|s|m) /); if (q) { b += q[0].length - 1; var n = parseFloat(q[1]), r = void 0; switch (q[2]) { case 'ms': r = n; break; case 's': r = 1e3 * n; break; case 'm': r = 6e4 * n; } f(r / t.frameTimeFactor); break; } } k = x.createNext(m(n)); f(1); } k && h.push({ frame: -1 < p ? p : l, notification: k }); l = d; u = b; }, t = this, u, r = 0; r < d; r++ ) k(r), (r = u); return h; }; a.prototype.run = function(b) { var c = a.frameTimeFactor, e = this.maxFrames; a.frameTimeFactor = 1; this.maxFrames = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; this.runMode = !0; R.delegate = this; var f = { cold: this.createColdObservable.bind(this), hot: this.createHotObservable.bind(this), flush: this.flush.bind(this), expectObservable: this.expectObservable.bind(this), expectSubscriptions: this.expectSubscriptions.bind(this), }; try { var g = b(f); this.flush(); return g; } finally { (a.frameTimeFactor = c), (this.maxFrames = e), (this.runMode = !1), (R.delegate = void 0); } }; return a; })(pd), ph = Object.freeze({ TestScheduler: ud }), qh = { asap: ya, queue: kd, animationFrame: If, async: D }, rh = { rxSubscriber: la, observable: X, iterator: F }; m.testing = ph; m.ajax = dg; m.webSocket = eg; m.operators = oh; m.Scheduler = qh; m.Symbol = rh; m.Observable = g; m.Subject = w; m.AnonymousSubject = xa; m.config = E; m.Subscription = p; m.ReplaySubject = da; m.BehaviorSubject = nc; m.Notification = x; m.EmptyError = ja; m.ArgumentOutOfRangeError = ba; m.ObjectUnsubscribedError = M; m.UnsubscriptionError = fa; m.pipe = Ba; m.TestScheduler = ud; m.Subscriber = l; m.AsyncSubject = W; m.ConnectableObservable = hd; m.TimeoutError = Oc; m.VirtualTimeScheduler = pd; m.AjaxResponse = Sa; m.AjaxError = na; m.AjaxTimeoutError = Ta; m.TimeInterval = tb; m.Timestamp = rb; Object.defineProperty(m, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }); //# sourceMappingURL=rxjs-compat.umd.min.js.map